Wedding Belles Display 2011

Wedding Belles Display 2011
OCTOBER 1st & 2nd
This weekend celebrated the Patronal Festive at St Michael & All Angels Church and also saw the most amazing display ‘Wedding Belles’ It was going to be interesting but little did we know just how much!
The organising, collecting wedding dresses, photographs and a mass of information which had been lovingly collected over many months of dedication and hard-work by Organiser, Carol Silk along with the help of her family and friends was much enjoyed by many people who flocked into the Church on Saturday and Sunday and such was the vast amount to be seen, many people who visited on Saturday, returned on Sunday!
On Saturday afternoon, while Lambourn Chimers played their hand bells and an organ recital by Stephen Holmes there were many displays to see of the weddings dresses which had been worn in the Church, from one being 71yrs old to the more recent ones of 2004.
Sunday was equally as busy, with many visitors, all of whom were amazed with the displays. Sunday included a tour around the Churchyard, guided by Malcolm Rolfe, which was of great interest to a nice gathering. At 2pm the Society of Royal Cumberland Youths, from London, began to ring our beautiful Church Bells, which are among the finest in West Berkshire. (The first mention of them is found in an inventory of 1552). The bells rang for an amazing 3 hours! Which was incredible, that is dedication!
I have yet to express the total amazement which everyone had at the most magnificent flower displays which adorned the Church, they were stunning.
The afternoon was nicely rounded off by a much needed tea or coffee and some homemade cake at the Memorial Hall.
I am sure I speak for everyone when I say a very sincere thank you to everyone who worked so hard to provide us with such an excellent weekend display
Liz Beard