Pick it up!

10th January 2021

Lambourn is not looking its finest at the moment with regards to litter along the streets and paths. The lack of foliage on the shrubs makes it even more visible where litter has been dropped or blown.

Two youngsters decided enough is enough and armed with a litter grab went out and collected 2 bags of rubbish in the area of the Old Cricket Field as part of their daily exercise. Well done!

Many residents collect litter as they walk the roads, paths and lanes around Lambourn. Well done and a big thanks to you for making a difference. If everyone picked up just a few pieces of litter Lambourn would be ready for The Village of the year award.

The litter situation in the village will be discussed by The Lambourn Parish Council at the next Full Council meeting in February 2021.

In COVID-19 times please be very careful when picking up litter. Always wear gloves and use a litter grab so that you do not touch or come into contact with the litter. You never know if that drinks can was discarded 2 days or 2 minutes ago. Be safe.

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