Lambourn Surgery: Covid-19 Vaccination Update

Good news! We have just had notification that we can now share some information about the vaccination programme for Lambourn Surgery patients.

Due to the nature of this vaccine and the need to reduce wastage, and work at scale, we have joined forces with 8 other Newbury practices.

We will be delivering the vaccine from the Grandstand building at Newbury Racecourse. We realise this is not as convenient for our patients, in that there will be a need to travel, but because of the delivery logistics and the need to deliver at scale we cannot do this from the surgery at this stage.

We will be commencing vaccinations during week commencing the 11th January. We have not yet had exact confirmation on the dates.

As soon as we have this, we will start calling the first cohort which is the over 80’s.

Please do not call us, we will call you to book your appointment in order of priority according to the National Criteria which we are unable to deviate from.

We are very excited to begin work on this vaccination programme, please bear with us, we are all working very hard to bring this to you as fast and as safely as we can.”

Information supplied by Alan Breadmore,
Lambourn Surgery Patients Participation Group

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