Lambourn Parish Council Meeting – a brief record of discussions – Dec 2020

Lambourn Parish Council

2 December 2020

In this article I have recorded some of the discussion points from the Lambourn Parish Council Meeting which was held this evening. This is not an official set of minutes. Minutes will be issued by the Lambourn Parish Council following the next meeting.

Julie Blogg addressed the Council to ask for a grant for Christmas trees to be put up along the High Street to bring some Christmas cheer. The property owners have agreed. The trees will be sourced locally at cost price and volunteers have offered to install the trees. Councillor Cocker asked a number of clarification questions. Everyone agreed that to cheer up the High Street for Christmas was a good idea and a sum of up to £500 was approved.

The bills paid in the last month were approved by the Council:

Salaries                                                                     £ 3937.77
The Play Inspection Company                               £207.00
SSE (S/L Repairs)                                                      £1074.24
SSE (S/L Replacement)                                              £991.20
SSE (S/L Replacement)                                              £514.18
SSE (S/L Power)                                                        £574.90
SLCC  (Assistant Clerk membership)                     £161.00
Biffa                                                                            £500.14
Lexis Nexis (Arnold-Baker 12th edition)              £119.99

Standing Orders:

LGPS (Pension)                                                          £1031.25
Castle Water (Hall Water)                                          £32.66
Southern Electric (Hall electric)                                 £94.00

The council discussed the following planning applications:

20/02565/HOUSE – 43 Baydon Road, Lambourn – Rear extension.
No Objections

20/02538/FUL – Mile End, Wantage Road, Lambourn – Heavy Goods vehicles MOT, servicing and repair facility building.
No Object but did support the possibility of increased local  employment (not a planning concern

20/02673/LBC2 – Hare House, Hill Drop Lane, Lambourn Woodlands – Listed building consent for the retention of unauthorised works for change of plain roof tiles to the existing main roof and side extension and the change of slate on the rear catlside roof, in material to match the original. Objection to retention of unauthorised works.

20/02734/MDOPO – Lethorne Stables, Upper Lambourn –  Modification of planning obligation and discharge of obligation – The Third Schedule, clause (a) and (b) of planning permission 131661.
Objection because it diminishes the viability of the yard.

20/00972/FULMAJ – Land North of Newbury Road, Lambourn – Erection of eight semi-detached ‘build to rent affordable eco-dwellings, parking, landscaping and associated works.  Amended plans received.
The design of houses hes been improved however the Council still has concerns regarding access and other issues. Councillor Cocker will draft a response.

A number of documents which govern how the council operates were updated and the Clerk requested the Council to approve the updated documents. These include: Standing Orders, Code of Conduct and Financial Regulations for 2020/2021. The council approved all the documents proposed.

Councillor Cocker gave a short update on the Community Orchard project. The land at North Farm Close has been selected and approximately 20 fruit trees will be planted. West Berkshire will arrange for the position of the trees to be marked and volunteers will dig the holes so that the trees can be planted shortly after they are delivered the 18th December. Mulch and stakes will be provided with the trees. A big thanks to Penny, Gill and Ruth. There is also an article on with more information about the Community Orchard Project and a latest update (3/12/20) HERE

The poor state of repair of the Fulke Walwyn Way horse track in Upper Lambourn was discussed. The surface needs to be refurbished with a more permanent surface to be installed next year and a number of options were discussed. At this point the proposed work is a short term measure to remove the mud on the track to improve the surface to make it more passable for horses. The quote from Pete’s Logs for £816 to clear the current surface was accepted.
It was also noted that the contractor maintaining Fulke Walwyn Way on behalf of LPC has been blowing the fallen leaves into the watercourse rather than collecting and taking them away. The Council will approach the contractor to ensure that leaves are collected as per contract.

Councillor Jones proposed a number of uses for Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) money which will improve the village. Discussions and application for funds to West Berkshire Council will be made.

The current precept (amount raised from taxes for the Council to use) is £142,250. Budget calculations indicate that a sum of £152,288 would be required for next year which represents a 7% increase. The Council felt that this increase was too high for the residents in these difficult times and agreed to a 2% increase which raises £145,000 and to make up the shortfall of up to £7,000 by diverting funds from other already budgeted projects if needed. Such projects could include postponing the fitting of solar panels to the Memorial Hall roof.

In September the Chairman noticed that there were some littering and planning control issues at a building site located at 44 Newbury Street. West Berkshire Council were notified however did not respond and Howard Woollaston was notified. The planning enforcement officer engaged and asked the builder to comply. However there are still issues which are being followed up by West Berks Council Building Control. A member of the public asked how the article appeared in the Newbury Weekly News and the Chairman stated that he had only submitted a concern to the NWN that West Berks had not responded to the original complaint.

A member of the public requested that the council provides funds to pay for the disposal of leaves which fall off council owned trees and onto private property. It was explained that leaves, when they leave the tree, have no legal ownership. Hence the Lambourn Parish Council will not pay property owners for leaf disposal.

Scottish and Southern Electricity will continue to supply power to the 160+ street lights in Lambourn. No other supplier quoted to supply power so there was little choice but to continue with SSE.

The LNDP team is continuing to work on the Local Neighbourhood Development Plan and is meeting West Berkshire to discuss alignment with the West Berkshire Local Plan. Councillor Cocker asked for more material for the character assessment of the local area from residents.

At the next meeting Councillors agreed to discuss speed limits in the village as well as an update on the progress with the Council website. Anti social behaviour in the village will also be discussed.

Christian Noll