Wildlife in and around Lambourn

Lambourn and surrounding area are a glorious haven of wildlife and natural beauty. The wonderful curves of the downland landscape, the changing colours of the trees,  and the flowers, the birds, mammals, butterflies and more. Some things, like Corn Buntings and Grey Partridges, are now rare and hard to see across most of England but still thankfully present on the downs.

Every year is different. Some wildflowers thrive but then fade; birds might do well one year but become scarce or non-existent another. In the last 20 years buzzard numbers have recovered, and red kites appeared and now become a common site. Butterflies have come and gone.

Can we do more to share our observations of nature around the Lambourn valley? I hope that people will want to tell others about what they have seen so that more people can enjoy it.

I don’t live in Lambourn but I have been visiting for over 30 years – and always take the opportunity to walk the woods and hills. I would be glad to receive your reports and post them on this website – send them to me at quentin.given@btinternet.com. But I would also be happy to let someone in the village take this on!

Happy nature spotting

Quentin Given