West Berkshire Council – Coronavirus (COVID-19) update

22 March 2020

West Berkshire Position
A major incident has now been declared. The Strategic Co-ordinating Group (SCG) for Thames Valley continues to meet and is taking overall responsibility for managing the COVID-19 outbreak. This group is being supported by a Tactical Coordinating Group (TCG) and topic specific cells e.g. Media Cell, Community Working Hub, Social Care Cell, Education Cell

Local Response
The council is now holding daily “Gold” meetings compromising of the CEO, Leader, Executive Directors, Emergency Planning, Public Health and the Communication Team. There are also “Silver” meetings which will replace the local COVID Responses group, this group will continue to include all representatives from across the council and will meet three times per week. The following GOV.UK page has also been set up to bring together guidance for local councils and LRFs during the coronavirus outbreak: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/coronavirus-covid-19-guidance-for-local-government
The introduction of social distancing measures by the government will have a significant impact on the local economy. The Council are working with partners to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 with a specific focus on supporting vulnerable people, supporting local business and ensuring good communication with our partners and residents.

The Government is in negotiations to buy an antibody test that can tell if individuals have had COVID-19. We have fed back to Public Health England which key workers should have access to this test when it becomes available. We continue to monitor the supply and demand of PPE across the district and to ensure sufficient provision for our ‘people services’. The Government have set-up a national PPE supply disruption contact desk.
A new group has been established to provide extra support for rough sleepers. As well as the council the group includes Two Saints, Eight Bells for Mental Health, Newbury Soup Kitchen, Loose Ends, the Community Furniture Project, Healthwatch West Berkshire and West Berkshire Homeless. Support will include the Distribution of health packs and Food provision by charities.

Local Community Support Hub
In order to mobilise support for our vulnerable communities over the coming months, the Building Communities Together Team have been working with the Volunteer Centre West Berkshire and Greenham Common Trust to set up a new Community Support Hub to give guidance and to help coordinate organisations representing their communities. You can find out more on the website: https://info.westberks.gov.uk/coronavirus-communityhub. Please share with any community groups you are aware of. They can also contact the Hub by phone on: 01635 503579 or via email: westberksbct@westberks.gov.uk

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