Walwyn Hall: Hats off to Laurel and Hardy

The Walwyn Hall presents a live theatre production, Hats Off to Laurel & Hardy, performed by Lucky Dog Theatre Productions. This is the fourth time Lucky Dog have appeared at the Walwyn since their debut in 2014. The show is on Saturday 1st February starting at 7.30pm. Tickets are available from Universal Stores, Goodies Cafe and by calling 01488 71580 or 07785 328400
It’s been over half a century since Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy died. There is good reason why they are the best-loved comedy duo of all time. They were the pioneers of modern comedy and their movies have delighted generation after generation for 100 years.
This award winning play has been performing to sell-out houses, standing ovations and five-star reviews since 2013 throughout the UK, into Europe and even Hollywood.
It will take you through The Boys early lives, fledgling careers, international rise to stardom, decline and phoenix-like revival on the stage. It details their commitment to their work, their fans, their wives and their devotion to each other. Including many of their routines recreated live and on-screen. Expect to laugh your socks off before finally having your heart broken