The 2024 Flower and Produce Show

The 2024 Lambourn Flower and Produce Show will take place on the 17th August at 2pm. There are many classes for you to enter your contribution from the complete novice to the expert. As well as the classes you might expect there are lots of interesting ones including the “Oddest shaped vegetable”, “A Colour Photo of a something beginning with F” and free to enter classes for children. Having said that, entries are only 20p.
You can enter the show now by completing the entry form below and sending it, with your entry money, before the 12th August to: Cathy Brown, 1 Sheepfair Way, Lambourn.


17 AUGUST 2024
Staging Exhibits 8.30 – 11 am
Show opens 2pm
Held in conjunction with Lambourn Sports Club Fete
All Classes are open to everyone living in The Lambourn Benefice


All entries should be on the entry form below to: Cathy Brown, 1 Sheep Fair Way, Lambourn 01488 72477 no later than Friday 12th August.  Each entry: 20p  Children’s classes are FREE

Event is open to all living in Lambourn benefice. Exhibitors must not be professional showers in that class.

All flowers, fruit and vegetables must have been grown by the exhibitor, except flower arrangements unless specifically stated.  Persons infringing this rule will be disqualified from receiving any prize.

Exhibitors must provide stipulated receptacle for each exhibit (where stated), Vegetables to be cleaned, except where stated, as grown.  Cut flowers to be in vases or bowls (unless a specific vessel stated).

The Hall will open at 8.30am to receive entries, Entry cards must be displayed with your exhibit with only exhibitor number showing.  The Hall will be closed for judging at 11am.

All prizes are awarded at Judges’ discretion and the decisions and awards of the Judges shall be final in all cases.

Trophies will be presented at 4.00pm on Show Day.  Exhibits can be removed after prize giving.  Any exhibits left after this time will be auctioned.

The organisers will not be responsible for any loss or damage to exhibits from whatever cause arising.

If a particular number of plants, flowers or vegetables is specified for a class, any excess or deficiency in the number will disqualify the Exhibitor without anyone having the power to rectify the mistake.

No person will be allowed in the Hall while judging is in progress except the Judges and organisers.

One entry per class only.  One entry form per exhibitor.

The decision of the organiser’s shall be final on the classification of an Exhibitor.

Points awarded in Flower, Vegetable & Home Industries Classes to win aggregate trophies as follows: –

1st: 5 points            2nd: 3 points            3rd: 2 points

Flower Classes:

All Exhibits to be displayed in a suitable size vase with water
Pot Plants must not have been shown in the previous 2 shows

1 – Sweet Peas, Annual  –  6 Stems foliage optional.
2 – Sweet Peas, Perennial  –  6 stems foliage optional
3 – Gladioli, 3 stems – one or more varieties
4 – Dahlias, Catus  – 3 BLOOMS  any variety
5 – Dahlias, Ball   –  3 BLOOMS any variety (pompom)
6 – Dahlias, Decorative –  3 BLOOMS any variety
7 – Dahlias, Single or collarette  – 3 BLOOMS any variety
8 – Dahlia, 1 specimen Bloom
9 – Roses, 3 stems with own foliage one variety
10 – Roses, 3 stems with own foliage three varieties
11 – Rose 1 specimen Bloom
12 – Rose Floribunda 3 stems any variety
13 – Perennials, 9 stems three varieties NOT DAHLIAS
14 – Annuals 9 stems three varieties   NOT DAHLIAS
15 – Penstemons, 3 stems any variety
16 – Aster, 3 stems any variety
17 – My Favourite Vase  –  9 – 15 stems
18 – Pot Plant Flowering  – must be in flower 
19 – Pot Plant Foliage  must not be in flower


All Exhibits to be displayed on a suitable size plate unless otherwise stated.

20 – Onions,3 weighing under 250 grams each.
21 – Onions, 3 to weigh over 250 grams each.
22 – Nine Shallots, Pickling
23 – Nine Shallots, Large
24 – Garlic, 3 Bulbs
25 – Carrots, 3 one variety
26 – Beetroot, 3 round one variety.
27 – Peas, 6 one variety
28 – Runner Beans, 6 one variety
29 – Broad Beans, 6 one variety
30 – French Beans, 6 one variety   
31 – Potato, white 3 one variety – eyes may be coloured.
32 – Potato, coloured 3 one variety
33 – Courgettes, 2 max length 20 cm
34 – Marrows, 2 any variety
35 – Cabbage, 1
36 – Leeks, 2
37 – Herbs 4 –  labelled & displayed as you wish
38 – Tomatoes, Cherry 7    – max 30mm dia
39 – Tomatoes, Standard 5  –  min 30mm dia
40 – Tomatoes, Truss   –  at least 1/3rd must be ripe.
41 – Chillie Pepper 3 –  any variety
42 – Sweet pepper 2 –  any variety
43 – Cucumber 2   –  one variety
44 – Lettuce, Loose 1  – can be displayed in water
45 – Lettuce Hearted 1  –   can be displayed in water
46 – Rhubarb, 3 Sticks
47 – Any other vegetable – 3 same variety
48 – Runner Bean, Longest 
49 – Rhubarb, Longest stick
50 – Vegetable Basket to contain at least 5 different vegetable types displayed for affect
51 – Salad Basket to contain at least 3 different    salad crops displayed for affect
52 – Oddest shaped vegetable


All Exhibits to be displayed on a suitable size plate

53 – Apples, Cooking 3  one variety
54 – Apples, Eating 3 one variety
55 – Raspberries, 9 with stalks
56 – Currants Black/ White/ Red  – 5 strings  -any variety
57 – Any other fruit –  5 of the same variety

Floral Art

No height restrictions unless otherwise stated.

Flowers need not be grown by exhibitor unless otherwise stated.

58 – Floral Arrangement – totally freestyle!
59 – Floral Arrangement using home grown flowers only receptacle 30cm tall x13cm wide
60 – Floral Arrangement ‘Over the Rainbow’
(accessories permitted) 30cm tall x 13cm wide
61 – Floral Arrangement in a box (not to exceed 20cm x 20cm approx.)
62 – Miniature Floral Arrangement (not to exceed 10x10x10cm)
63 – Arrangement of Fresh Leaves in a Vase no larger than 30cm tall13cm wide


Photos must be 5 x 7” unframed & unmounted unless otherwise stated.

Exhibits must not have been shown in the previous 2 shows

64 – Photograph in colour  – something beginning with F
65 – Photograph in colour  – Animal  
66 – Photograph in Black/White – a country scene 10 x 8” unframed & unmounted
67 – Photograph taken underwater

Arts & Crafts

Exhibits must not have been shown in the previous 2 shows

68 – Knitted or crochet item 
69 – Cross stitch or tapestry – may be framed
70 – Woodwork
71 – Jewellery – 1 handmade piece
72 – Soft Toy – made using fur fabric 
73 – Ceramic – 1 handmade piece
74 – Painting – any size – may be framed
75 – Any Other Handicraft – not listed above

Home Industries

Jar / Bottles must be labelled & dated

76 – Chocolate Cake made in an  8” round tin may be decorated
77 – Fruit Cake  made in an 8“ round tin
78 – Victoria Sandwich made in an 8” round tin- with jam & buttercream filling &  dusted 
79 – Vegetable Cake –  exhibitor’s choice size, shape, decoration
80 – Novelty Cake  – totally freestyle!
81 – Cup Cakes 4 on a plate decorated to ‘celebrate summer’
82 – Oatmeal Biscuits 4 on a plate undecorated
83 – Shortbread  4 on a plate undecorated
84 – Jam Tarts 6 on a plate
85 – Tray bake – 4 squares on a plate – exhibitor’s choice
86 – Raspberry Jam, 1 jar 
87 – Strawberry Jam 1 jar 
88 – Marmalade, 1 jar
89 – Honey Runny, 1 jar
90 – Honey Set, 1 jar
91 – Fruit Juice, 1 bottle 
92 – Cheese Scones, 4 on a plate
93 – Pickled onions, 1 jar
94 – Quiche – UNCUT  exhibitor’s choice size & filling displayed on a plate
95 – Loaf of white Bread made in a 2lb loaf tin
96 – Picnic for one – selection of 5 items, sweet & savoury
97 – GENTLEMEN ONLY: Lemon Drizzle Cake – exhibitor’s choice size, shape, decoration

Children 8 & Under

Free entry. No name, just age to be marked on or attached to exhibits.

98 – Painting or drawing of yourself
99 – 2 had decorated cupcakes (cakes can be shop bought)

Children 9-14

Free entry. No name, just age to be marked on or attached to exhibits.

100 – Painting or drawing of yourself
101 – 2 hand decorated cupcakes (cakes can be shop bought)

Children 10-16


Free Entry No name, just age to be marked on or attached to exhibits

102 – Longest Runner Bean
103 – Funny/Wonky Vegetable

<End of schedule>

Thank you for taking part!
Please deliver entry form to:
Cathy Brown, 1 Sheep Fair Way, Lambourn


  • Aggregate Cup for most points achieved in Vegetable Class)
  • Aggregate Cup for most points achieved in Flower Class)
  • Aggregate for most points achieved in Home Industries Class)
  • Walwyn Cup – for Best Cut Flowers
  • Lambourn Stud Cup – for Best Pot Plant
  • J Goddard Cup – for Best Sweet Peas
  • J Turner Salver – for Best Overall Vegetable Exhibit in Show

Please note: There will no longer be Prize money.

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