Senior Citizens Christmas Lunch 2019

Seniors Christmas Lunch 2019
Monday 9th December saw the annual Senior Citizens Christmas Lunch at the Lambourn British Legion. Fifty people were given an amazing three course lunch and rounded off with mince pies and a cuppa’ they were then all presented with a ‘party bag’ of goodies after a game of bingo!.
This annual event is organised by an amazing group of Ladies who raise money throughout the year by having the monthly ‘Vintage Cream Teas’ and many thanks must go to the very generous donations from Charlie Walker from Walker Logistics, Membury, The Plough at Eastbury, Neil Richards, Lambourn Butcher, Lambourn Co-op and McCalls to name but a few, and the many raffle donations.
Lambourn is very lucky to have these wonderful ladies, Susan Williams, Eileen Horton, Cathy Brown, Pam Bassett, Anna Bradford, Lesley Taylor, Sandra Anstee, Anne Price, Mavis Rose, Donna Riman, Carol Silk and who work so hard to give our older residents a day to remember.