Rogue Traders operating in the area

Thames Valley Police Logo

Your local Neighbourhood Policing Team would like to make you aware of the following:
Rogue Doorstep Traders will use a trade as a means to extract large sums of money from people by:
Offering services such as driveway re-surfacing, block paving, roofing, fascias, gardening or selling goods such as furniture, alarms or mobility aids.
They may claim you have a loose roof tile or that a tree you have is unsafe and needs to be trimmed.
They will often give a very low quote that will increase when work begins.
Sometimes they will drive victims to the bank and will often come back on future occasions to get more money.
They may come across friendly to begin with but then quickly become demanding and adding pressure which can be intimidating.
Trying to convince people that work carried out was previously agreed.

Please warn your elderly and vulnerable residents by:

Make the person aware that they are never required to open their door to unexpected callers and that it is not rude to send someone away.
Reinforce the message “IF YOU’RE NOT SURE DON’T OPEN THE DOOR”.
Encourage the person to set up passwords with their utility companies.
Try to ensure that the outside of the property is well maintained, including the garden. Properties that are poorly maintained may be targeted.
Advise the person not to keep money in the house and to keep credit cards, debit cards, cheque books, savings books and any other valuables in a safe place.

To report Rogue Trading in progress call 999. If you see any suspicious vehicles or incidents in your neighbourhood call the non-emergency number on 101 or visit and report on-line.

For Trading Standards please ring Citizen Advice Consumer helpline on 03454 040506.

Message Sent By
Tracie Stone (Police, Neighbourhood policing admin, West Berks)

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