Remembrance Day 2016

Cool but bright sunshine greeted the crowd at this years Remembrance Day Service
The Lambourn branch of the Royal British Legion hosted a well attended event in the village. A gathering at 10.45 for prayers and wreath laying, followed by a service in St Michael and All Angels and afterwards refreshments were offered at the British Legion
In attendance were the standards from the Lambourn Royal British Legion, the women’s section of the Lambourn Branch and the Royal Naval Association as well as the West Berkshire branch of the Parachute Regiment Association.
Additionally, there was a contingent of servicemen from MoD Lyneham and from 77th Brigade at Denison Barracks, Hermitage and one member from 81st Signal Squadron, Royal Signals.
The West Berkshire Parachute Regiment Association paraded its standards alongside those of the Lambourn Branch of the Royal British Legion and the women’s section of the Royal British Legion
Almost £600 was collected for the Poppy Appeal during the church service.
Throughout the church could be seen an array of beautiful flower displays and outside the gate and railings were adorned with many poppies made by the Lambourn Craft club.