Public Consultation: 2 Racing Yards Proposed

Jockey Club Estates invites you to attend a public consultation relating to the outline planning application for two racehorse training yards at Rowdown, Upper Lambourn. Please come along, see the plans, ask any questions you may have and provide us with feedback.
Monday 23rd September 2019
2pm-4pm | 6pm-8pm
Jockey Club Estates Offices, Upper Lambourn, RG17 8RG
If you have any questions about the above event, please contact Meghan Bonner, KWA Architects at or 01223 839992
Comments: You can leave comments on this page – scroll to the bottom
Directions: In Upper Lambourn, turn onto Maddle Road from the High Street. Just round the corner from Sarsen farm (formerly Limes Farm) take the turning on the right, up a hill, sign-posted Jockey Club Estates, Mandown Farm. Proceed straight up, past two semi detached cottages, until you reach a new machinery store and office building. Parking instructions on the day.