News From Your West Berkshire Councillor

Howard Woollaston

Dear All,

August was a fairly quiet month, but September changed all of that and I have been exceptionally busy working on your behalf. Highlights over the time have included:

  • Passing the Climate Change Emergency Motion unanimously with a target of zero carbon for West Berkshire by 2030.
  • Supporting the development of Heathrow albeit with some stringent conditions on emissions and the environment generally.
  • Becoming Chairman of the Lambourn Valley Flood Forum which covers villages from Upper Lambourn down to Boxford of which more later.
  • Meeting with the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty team at their office in Denford to more fully understand the implications on our Valley.
  • Attending as West Berkshire Council’s representative at The Police & Crime Commissioners Panel – my second meeting now and I am beginning to get the hang of it!

I am being “meetinged out” sitting on not just the normal Operational, Executive and Strategy Boards but also Western Area Planning, Property, Housing, Bringing Communities Together, Procurement and Customer First Boards as well as various Project Boards. This is not a “walk in the park” but really interesting and rewarding.

Turning to casework in the ward I have been involved in: –

  • Looking at speed limits throughout the ward
  • Helping to get senior citizens into more appropriate accommodation
  • Working with the Woodlands action Group over the proposed development at Membury and the impact on the B4000.
  • Helping with planning applications where they are not contentious
  • Assisting where work is required either from WBC, Sovereign or the Parish Council over tree issues.
  • Putting pressure on to get full broadband coverage to Upper Lambourn. A solution has finally been found that does not involve Virgin Media or Gigaclear and I am hopeful that this issue will be closed down by the Spring.

I continue to attend Parish Council Meetings when I can but annoyingly most clash with Planning Committee meetings. I also attend the Lambourn Neighbourhood Development Plan meetings where possible and we hope that surveys will be circulated by the end of this year to get your views in. Please do contribute – it matters to our villages.  

Turning back to the Flood Forum, this essentially involves Lambourn, Eastbury, East Garston, Great Shefford and Boxford. All have had flooding at some stage in the last few years, most recently Boxford in mid – September. The Forum brings people from each of the Villages together so that we can share ideas and resources. I would urge Lambourn to become more involved and my fellow Councillor, Claire Rowles is making the same plea to Boxford. The three villages in the middle are firmly on side and cooperating fully.

If there is anything, I can do to help you please get in contact at or my mobile 07836 718100.

For any problems on Highways or Waste Collection you can go onto the West Berkshire Council website and search “report a problem” or call 01635 551111 and ask for the relevant helpdesk.

Howard Woollaston

West Berkshire Councillor for Lambourn Ward

Executive Portfolio Holder for Internal Governance

October 2019

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