Newbury Street Road Closure

The following update confirming the duration of the closure of Newbury street due to Thames water pumping works:

Dear All,

Newbury Street  in the parish of Lambourn will be closed from the 2nd to 30thApril 2020, the closure will be from its junction with Station Road, to its junction with Mill Lane.

The alternative route for HGV vehicles affected, is via High Street (B4000) Hungerford Hill (B4000), Ermin Street (B4000), A338, and vice versa.

Non-HGV can use the following route via  Station Road, Bockhampton Road, and vice versa.

This is an emergency closure so Thames Water can carry emergency pumping of raw sewage by Tanker.

Residential access will be maintained throughout and the diversion will be signed on site.

All enquiries should be directed to: KCD on 0800 316 9800

A plan of the closure can be found at: (click on link)


Andrew Gatland

Streetworks West Berkshire Council Market Street Newbury RG14 5LD

01635 519106  Ext 2106