Neighbourhood Watch Meeting

Neighbourhood Watch
The next Neighbourhood Watch Meeting is being held on Monday 12 August 2019 at 7.30 pm in West Berkshire Council Offices, Market Street, Newbury and we shall be having a talk by Dr Nick Young on “A tour around Newbury through the camera using old photographs”.
Representatives from the Police and Fire Service will be giving crime updates and both will be available to answer any questions. If you have any particular issues that you would like comments on, please let Angela know so that they can do some research and report back at the meeting.
There will be refreshments, a raffle, crime prevention literature and a handout giving various information worth passing on to your neighbours. There is parking close by and the evening charge is £2 in the car parks but there is free parking in the parking bays after 6.00 pm (closest is Bartholomew Street and Cheap Street).
Angela can be contacted via her e-mail address: or by phoning Newbury 40866. Just a reminder for Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinators and Deputies to please let Angela know, either by email or phone, your contact details and properties you cover so that your record on the database can be updated. If you have already provided this information, very many thanks.
Our final meeting for 2019 will be held on Monday 25 November. Can you please make a note in your diary. For security reasons and as the Security person has to check round the building at regular intervals, the main door to West Berkshire Council Offices will be locked at 7.45 pm so please arrive at the latest by 7.30 pm.
Members Guides and other leaflets can be downloaded via the Thames Valley Neighbourhood Watch Association website: and can be forwarded on to your neighbours.
Anyone is welcome to attend this meeting from all over West Berkshire, so please come along and bring any neighbours or friends, as it is important to have a good attendance for the speakers and I do appreciate your support.
Very many thanks.