Neighbourhood Development Plan ready for consultation

The Pre-Submission Version of the Lambourn NDP is now ready for consultation and comment, prior to submission to West Berkshire Council.
This consultation is being held according to Regulation 14 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 and will run until 18th October 2024
The Pre-Submission Version of the Plan and the Response Form can be found online:
Click here
Hard copies may be viewed at the following locations:
Lambourn Parish Council Office, Memorial Hall, Oxford Street, Lambourn.
Lambourn Library, High Street, Lambourn.
St. James the Greater Church, Church Street, Eastbury
Anyone having difficulty accessing a copy, or wanting further information, please contact:, or call Lambourn Parish Council on 01488 72400
Please submit your responses via:
By email:
By post: Lambourn NDP, Memorial Hall, Oxford Street, Lambourn. RG17 8XP
All responses will be carefully considered by the Lambourn NDP Steering Group and the Pre-Submission Version will be amended to inform the Submission Version. This will be submitted to West Berkshire Council for the next, Regulation 16, stage of Consultation.
There will be opportunities for Parishioners to ask questions during the Consultation period, at drop-in sessions and at a public meeting:
11th September: Woodlands Drop-in: 7 – 9pm, Woodlands St. Mary Village Hall
14th September: Eastbury Drop-in: 10am – 12 Noon,
Church of St. James the Greater, Eastbury
19th September: Upper Lambourn Drop-in: 5 – 7pm, Jockey Club Estates office,
Mandown Farm, Maddle Road.
25th September: Presentation to Lambourn Parish Council and public.
7.30pm, Memorial Hall, Oxford Street, Lambourn