Local Lad hits the dahlia world!

Our local lad, Robert Read made it into the ‘Gardening New’s magazine this week talking about how he became ‘bitten by the bug’!! of growing Dahlias. Last year, 2018 he won the American Medal in the novice class at the National Show, which called for two vases of three dahlias. As featured in the magazine.

A couple of weeks ago he won three trophies at the National Sweet Pea Show at Christchurch. One for best of 6 vases, 12 stems to a vase and 6 distinct varieties: One for best vase of 12: and Best in Show for Best vase of Lavender.

Robert also won three other classes for single vase of 12 Blue: Single vase of 12 Magenta and Vase of 12 Mixed.

What an amazing achievement and Many congratulations
Many thanks to Robert for allowing the website to share your wonderful success and long may it continue.
Liz Beard