Lambourn Youth Junction @ Open Day

The Youth Junction will be helping out at this years Lambourn Open Day, please contact Anna Field on 07749 844600 or email at if you want to take part. School years 5 to 9.

– You will be part of a small team of youth club members, supported and supervised at ALL times by a youth club volunteer (we have planned a maximum ratio of 5:1)

– You would need to be available at 1pm on Friday 7th April (for a max of 4 hours)

– You will wear a special Youth Junction T shirt and your ID badge.

– You will have the opportunity to help with some or all of the following tasks

Keeping the area litter free!
Promoting the event raffle – from a stall and from the arena
Helping set up ready for the displays in the main arena

If you are interested, let us know and we will get you a sign up form to complete.

We will provide the T shirt (Thanks to the Open Day team)and refreshments.

This is going to be a fantastic day – be a part of it, and show everyone what a great village youth club we have too!

If you want to join up and be part of the Youth Junction go to our website to find out more – it’s free to join!