Lambourn Surgery Patient Participation Group Update #3

Issue 3 – March 2020

Recently surgery reception staff have been trained to assist patients to navigate health and social care services both at the surgery and within the local area. This process is called signposting. When you talk to reception staff they may well ask a few questions about the reason for your request/call/visit. Rest assured, they are not being obstructive or nosy but have been trained to help you obtain the most effective and appropriate service. If they have any doubt regarding the urgency or appropriate action then a clinician will contact you to assess further. Sometimes it may also seem that you have to wait an excessive amount of time to see a doctor but this process is designed to ensure that you receive the most appropriate support and indeed may result in accelerated attention by the most appropriate person. Nationwide this approach has shown approximately 5% reduction in GP appointments and thus a reduction in waiting times for patients,whilst still meeting their needs.

For those with access to the Internet then there are also several other ways in which your healthcare needs can be supported. Did you know that through the online services facility you can make appointments, order your repeat prescription and even gain access to your medical records? You will need to register for this service using the form available at reception or from

However there is no need to register to access the Lambourn Surgery website where there is a wide range of health related information. Examples include advice re minor illnesses and guidance regarding travel health. You can even ask for non urgent advice from a doctor or nurse without the need for an appointment. Take a look at all of these facilities on the surgery website.

The NHS cannot always provide everything and that is why Lambourn Surgery has had an Amenities Fund for some years. The Amenities Fund is a registered charity and in the past has often funded health care facilities for the surgery and community. Examples have included a contribution to most of the community defibrillators in the Valley. More recently the purchase of a centrifuge for the surgery has enabled a more effective blood testing  process enabling blood test appointments to be scheduled throughout the day instead of only during the morning. The application of funds is governed by trustees from the PPG and the surgery and needless to say they are always looking for new sources of funding. Traditionally this has come from contributions from local fund raising activities, benefactors and legacies. If you would like to contribute or know of a potential funding source please contact the trustees via the PPG as below

You can contact the PPG via email; or in writing via the surgery office addressed to the Chairman of the PPG.