Lambourn Surgery Patient Participation Group Newsletter – March 2025

Spring Covid Vaccination Clinic

The surgery will be implementing the National Covid Booster programme during April. The cohort eligible this time are adults aged 75 years and over, residents in a care home for older adults and certain individuals aged 6 months and over who are immunosuppressed.

You should not need to contact the surgery. Those eligible will be contacted to either make an appointment at a clinic being held on Saturday 5th April or where appropriate an alternative appointment. Please wait to be contacted.

Lambourn Surgery Patient Participation Group

The first week of June this year is National Patient Participation Group Week, so it seemed appropriate to remind you of our purpose and how you can work with us.

In summary, the aim of the PPG is to

  •  represent patients to the Practice professional teams.
  •  help improve the quality of service of the Practice for patients and staff.
  •  help develop communication between patients and the Practice.
  •  provide information to the Practice on local issues to help develop future services.
  •  assist the Practice in the organisation of regular health promotion events.
  •  be a critical friend to the Practice.

If you care passionately about Primary Care in the Valley and are a patient of Lambourn Surgery, then we would welcome you as a voluntary member of our group. No particular skills or knowledge are required. Membership does not require a large amount of time, so you may contribute as much or as little as you are able, all we ask for is your enthusiasm. If you would like to find out more, please contact us as below.

Current members of the PPG are as follows along with their constituency, roles and areas of interest.

Alan Breadmore, East Garston, Chair
Peter Cox, Lambourn, Secretary
Liz Cox, Lambourn, Surgery Amenities Fund, Lambourn Volunteer Group
Geoff Fowler, Great Shefford, Surgery Amenities Fund
Lucy Hall, Woodlands
Claire Hill, East Garston, Family Mediator
Karen Pryer, East Garston
Mary Wilson, East Garston
Ian Wooton, Lambourn, Public Health
Bridget Jones, Lambourn Parish Council, Woodlands, Mental Health
Graham Jones, Lambourn Pharmacy
Julie Mintern, Lambourn Valley Benefice, Young Families
Julia Bennet, Racing Community, Mental Health
Charlotte Clarke, Racing Welfare

There had been a concern for some time that the valleys largest employer, the racing industry, had not been adequately represented on our team so we are delighted that Julia and Charlotte recently joined us to represent the needs of this population of more than 1000 patients in the valley.

If you would like to discuss PPG activities with any of us then please contact them directly or as below and we’ll be in touch. Just a reminder that we are not the appropriate means for lodging individual complaints, there is a formal process for this that you can find on the Surgery website or from reception, but general feedback and observations are always welcome.

Please Help Keep Everyone Informed
Please be so kind as to share this newsletter with those who would not normally have access to electronic communications.

Thank you.

You can contact the PPG via email; or in writing via the surgery office, addressed to the Chair of the PPG.

Alan Breadmore, Chair, Lambourn Surgery PPG

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