Lambourn Surgery Patient Participation Group Newsletter – July 2024

Get started with the NHS App/ Online Services
In the patient survey performed by the PPG in 2021, a significant percentage of patients who had not used online services before said they were prepared to give it a try if help was available. Access to the NHS app allows you to order repeat prescriptions, contact your GP about health problems, receive messages from your surgery or hospital and access your medical records. The NHS App can be used from a Smartphone, Tablet or PC
Working together with NHS App experts, surgery staff and PPG members will be available to help you get started using the NHS app on your phone, tablet or PC.
Please join us at Lambourn Library on Wednesday 31st July between 10am and noon where we will be available to help get you started. No experience necessary and no appointment needed, just drop in. Bring along your smart phone, tablet or laptop and we’ll help you set up access; or if you have a PC at home then we can use the PCs at the library to get you set up and we’ll show you how to access once you get home.
If you are unable to attend this session but would like help with the NHS app, please contact the PPG as below and we will try to arrange this for you.
Need Help in Quitting Smoking or Vaping?
As part of the West Berkshire Community Wellness Outreach programme, Lambourn Surgery are hosting the Smokefreelife mobile unit.
The Smokefreelife Wellness Coaches will be available to provide you with free expert advice and guidance on stopping smoking. They can advise on what medications are best suited for you and set up a plan tailored for your needs.
Or if you want to give up smoking by yourself, they are still there to give you advice. They can help you increase your chances of success, give you access to useful tools, including free access to our ‘Quit with Bella’ App.
The Smokefreelife mobile unit will be in the surgery car park on Tuesdays throughout July from 11am to 3pm. This will continue until there is no further patient demand. Check with the surgery to ensure the unit will be there on the day you wish to attend.
Lambourn Surgery PPG
I am sad to report that long term PPG member Gillian Greenham died in May. She was an active member of the group and her contribution will be missed. Our condolences have been sent to her family.
You will be aware that we are always looking for new members, particularly if they are able to speak for a sector of the patient population currently underrepresented. A suggestion was made recently that young Lambourn Surgery patients who are 6th formers or perhaps medical/healthcare students may be interested to learn more about the operation of a GP surgery, understanding the needs of patients and representing our younger patients by joining the PPG. It is not a great commitment, usually just 4 meetings a year plus whatever other help you feel able to offer. If you are interested or know of someone who may be interested , please contact me as below.
Please Help Keep Everyone Informed
Please be so kind as to share this newsletter with those who would not normally have access.
Thank you.
You can contact the PPG via email; or in writing via the surgery office, addressed to the Chair of the PPG.
Alan Breadmore, Chair, Lambourn Surgery PPG