Lambourn Surgery Patient Participation Group Newsletter, August 2021

National GP Survey

The results of the Annual National GP Survey have recently been published and I’m pleased to report that our Surgery had excellent results. This survey is carried out each year in January by Ipsos MORI on behalf of NHS England. A random sample of 298 patients were polled and 130 surveys returned. According to this survey of Lambourn Surgery patients the Patient Experience was considered best in the following areas

  • 88% of respondents are satisfied with the general practice appointment times available [ compared with 66% average locally (Berkshire West CCG) and a national average of 67%]
  • 84% of respondents were offered a choice of appointment when they last tried to make a general practice appointment. [Local average: 68%; National average 69%]
  • 86% of respondents find it easy to get through to this GP practice by phone. [Local average: 70%; National average: 68%]

According to the results no areas were highlighted where the patient experience could improve since “This practice has scored higher than their CCG average in every question”.

Of course, the Surgery team and PPG are not complacent about these results and recognise that during the last 18 months service levels have been severely impacted. However, this survey does recognise the comparative resilience of the Lambourn surgery performance compared with their peers. If you would like to study the results in more detail, they may be found online at

PPG Survey and Communications

In a similar vein, the surgery recently asked the PPG if they would assist in gauging patient opinion regarding past, present and future preferences, and experiences for making appointments at the surgery. With input from the surgery PPG members performed a survey through personal interview with patients who had made an appointment in the past 12 months (essentially since the process was changed in July 2020).  In addition, questions regarding communication with patients and overall satisfaction were added by the PPG. During June 2021 a total of 122 interviews were performed in the community and in the surgery car park. All interviews were anonymous and confidential. The results have been analysed and submitted to the Surgery management team for further discussion and the outcomes will be shared with patients in due course through this newsletter. Some initial results reinforce the satisfaction levels reflected in the National survey above

All respondents were asked “Overall, how satisfied are you with the service that you receive from Lambourn Surgery?” This was ranked on a scale of 5.

5 Very Satisfied; 4 Satisfied; 3 OK; 2 Dissatisfied; 1 Very Dissatisfied.

The overall average score was 4, with 86% scoring 3 or above.

The key areas of dissatisfaction will be discussed further with the surgery and the PPG aims to represent the body of opinion expressed in this survey.

One of the key outcomes of the survey was how communication with patients may be improved. Notably, how to raise awareness of change (there will always be change) in the NHS and how this impacts Lambourn surgery and more importantly to explain the reasons for change. Patients surveyed indicated their preferred means of obtaining information with 42% choosing websites, 25% choosing Community Magazines (e.g., Village Views or Great Shefford News), less than 10% social media and 57% choosing email. Unfortunately, for a variety of reasons, email is not a means routinely used by either the surgery or the PPG. We are looking at how better email coverage may be achieved.

We will share more of the results and outcomes in the coming months.

GP Staffing

We are pleased to welcome Dr Caroline McKenzie-Hill replacing Dr Hamilton and announce that Dr Zoe Wanless will be taking maternity leave from mid September, maternity cover to be confirmed.

You can contact the PPG via email; or in writing via the surgery office (Bockhampton Road, Lambourn, RG17 8PS) addressed to the Chair of the PPG.

Alan Breadmore, Chair, Lambourn Surgery PPG

2 thoughts on “Lambourn Surgery Patient Participation Group Newsletter, August 2021

  1. Has Dr Hamilton left? Since the pandemic it has not been possible to book appointments online. Therefore I have not seen that she isn’t on tbe rota.
    If Dr Hamilton has left was there a way of patients thanking her for all her years of excellent work in Lambourn?

  2. I must say i have missed Doctor Hamilton and think she will be very difficult to replace. She always understood what we asked of her and did her very best to help in every way she was allowed to. I would like to thank Dr Rita Hamilton for all the help she gave me. God Bless to all you go on to do. XX DMS.

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