Lambourn Surgery Patient Participation Group July 2020

8th July 2020

The PPG has restarted activities following the easing of lockdown and has held its latest meeting online. This meeting saw the appointment of a new management committee; Alan Breadmore as Chair, Joy Gardner as Vice Chair and Peter Cox as Secretary. They are committed to energise the PPG so that it can continue to fulfil its role as a “critical friend to the surgery”. In particular they will be supporting the surgery team through the transition in the coming months to the “new normal” in their working practices.

Initial appointments at the surgery continue to operate via telephone or website contact form only. When it is necessary to attend the surgery, for a pre-arranged face to face appointment, face coverings should be worn; please also note the new parking arrangements and the one-way system operating in the building. Prescriptions from the dispensary may now be collected at the hatch.

The latest Covid–19 information is available on the NHS England website.

As we highlighted earlier in the year the NHS cannot always provide everything and that is why Lambourn Surgery has had an Amenities Fund for some years. The Amenities Fund is a registered charity and, in the past, has funded additional health care facilities for the surgery and community. As joint trustees of the fund, the PPG have been looking at ways of fundraising and have enrolled in the charitable donation programme. If you shop online at amazon, they will donate 0.5% of your spend (excluding VAT and shipping) to the Amenities Fund, at no cost to you. Prices and terms and conditions are the same as the normal amazon website. It is straightforward to use; when making a purchase just login to your amazon account via and enter “Lambourn Surgery Amenities Fund” as your selected charity. This is a great opportunity for you to support community healthcare at no cost to you. We’ll keep you informed of progress.

You can contact the PPG via email; or in writing via the surgery office (Bockhampton Road, Lambourn, RG17 8PS) addressed to the Chairman of the PPG.