Lambourn Place

Lambourn Place
An article from the Lambourn On-Line Museum which hosts many pages and hundreds of pictures of the history of Lambourn and the Valley of the Racehorse
Lambourn Place was the largest house in Lambourn, almost a stately home. Today it is remembered only by the name of a residential road and some remaining features such as the massive wooden gate posts at Goose Green.
The house and outbuildings were used as racing stables in the late 1880’s by James Humphrey a prominent trainer, it was pulled down in 1938 after falling into decay.

There are many stories and myths about the site, one is that the location of Lambourn Place was the original site of one of King Alfred’s palaces. Another is that the grounds were once haunted by the last of the ancient family of Hippisley. Henry Hippisley died in the late 19th century, having spent an infamous life oppressing the locals and defrauding charities. Some thought he had even killed one of his servants. Perhaps his spirit was repentant. It certainly had trouble finding peace.

Some evidence of Lambourn Place remains to this date, however all traces of the house itself have long gone.

If you are interested in reading more about Berkshire History do visit David Nash Ford’s excellent History of Berkshire website
Do you have any photos of Winston Churchill at Lambourn’s gallops. walking or in vehicles?
Kind regards
Duncan Howe
Hello Duncan. Thank you for contacting the website. I am not aware that Winston Churchill ever visited Lambourn (unless of course you know otherwise!) As far as I know, the closest he came to Lambourn was when he visited RAF Welford in 1944 with General Eisenhower. His horses were trained by Walter Nightingale in Epsom. Always interested to know differently though!
Liz Beard
Hello Liz,
Thank you for getting back to me.
What I am looking for is some history / photos of a 1958 vehicle that belonged to The Hon Geoffrey Somerset
who lived at The Old Malt House, Upper Lambourn and sold the vehicle in 1971.
I also believe he was marketing manager at Lambourn Engineering between 1960 -1971.
I had been told that Winston Churchill had ridden in this vehicle some time between 1958 and 1965 but who knows.
Many thanks for your help
Hello Duncan
A pleasure. And what a lovely man Geoffrey is. I am in contact with someone who can help. I will email you to tell you more! so check your spam box!!
Best regards