Lambourn Market Square

Lambourn Market Square – Market Cross (1912)

A market was held jointly by the Lords of the Manor of Chipping Lambourn.  It was still in existence in 1361 but must have failed during the next hundred years, for in 1446 a new market on a Friday and two fairs on the vigils, feasts and morrows of St Clement (see below for the traditional St Clements Cake) and St Philip and St James (23rd November and 1st May) were granted to the Dean of St Paul’s.  The market cross still stands in the centre of the village which was probably raised at this time; it was restored in 1899.  In 1669 a new market on Tuesday, and a fair on the Monday in Whit week were granted to the Earl of Craven, Lord of the Manor.  The Friday market lasted well into the 19th century, but finally ‘dwindled to a weekly meeting of two old farmers at the “George,” and became extinct about 1874.  Fairs were still held for sheep, cattle and horses on 2nd October and 4th December.

The Lambourn Market Square approx 1951 (Birkinshaw Collection)
Lambourn Market Square
The Red Lion Public House, Market Square, Lambourn
Market Place
Market Place
Market Place

Traditional St Clement’s Cake recipe

St. Clement, who is commemorated on November 23rd. was probably the third Bishop of Rome (AD91) and St Clements Cake was traditionally baked for this day

 About this recipe: Whole lemon and orange provide both the bright flavour and moisture in this traditional flour-less cake, a lovely addition to afternoon tea. The name comes from a child’s singing game about the bells of London: “Oranges and lemons, say the bells of St Clements.


1 Orange, scrubbed and roughly chopped (with skin)
1 large lemon, scrubbed and roughly chopped (with skin)
5 eggs, separated
200g caster sugar
225g ground almonds
sifted icing sugar to decorate
candied citrus peel to decorate

Method: Prep:1hr > Cook:55min > Ready in: 1hr 55min 

Put the chopped orange and lemon in a small saucepan, discarding any pips. Add 1 tablespoon water, then cover and cook gently for 30 minutes or until the fruits are soft and excess liquid has evaporated. Leave to cool.

Preheat the oven to 180 C / Gas 4. Line the bottom and sides of a 23cm spring-form cake tin with baking parchment. Finely chop the fruits in a food processor or blender, or with a large knife.

Put the egg whites in a large bowl and whisk until they form stiff peaks. Gradually whisk in half the caster sugar, then whisk for 1 minute.

Using the same whisk, whisk the egg yolks with the remaining caster sugar in another bowl until pale and quite thick, 2 to 3 minutes. Whisk in the finely chopped oranges, then carefully fold in the ground almonds.

Stir in 3 spoonful’s of the whisked egg white to loosen the mixture, then gently fold in the remaining whites with a large metal spoon. Transfer the mixture to the prepared tin and level the top.

Bake in the preheated oven until the cake is golden and a skewer inserted in the centre comes out clean. Check the cake after 20 minutes and again at 30 minutes and cover lightly with foil if it is browning too quickly.

Leave the cake to cool in the tin, then turn it out, peel away the parchment and transfer to a serving plate. Dust with icing sugar and decorate with strips of candied citrus peel before serving. The cake can be kept in an airtight tin for up to 2 days.

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