In 1848 Lambourn seemed to be fairly self sufficient if the number of traders are to go by. During 1831 it is recorded that there were 1166 people in the village and 2386 in the whole of the parish so by 1848 we can assume those numbers had risen.
Lambourn, or Chipping Lambourn, a parish in the Hundred of Lambourn and Union of Hungerford. The Parish comprises of the market town of Chipping Lambourn and the tythings of Eastbury, Upper Lambourn and Bockhampton and Woodland. The vicarage, in the diocese of Oxford and patronage of the Dean of St Paul’s; the present incumbent is the Rev. Edward Thompson. On the north side of the church are almshouses for 10 poor men, founded by John, the son of Thomas Eastbury, in 1502; the inmates are required to repair every morning and evening to prayers, around the tomb of John de Eastbury. A neat church, parsonage house and school room have within the last few years been erected at a distant part of the parish called the Woodlands.
The National School mistress is Mrs Hannah Brown. There is also a Gents school in Oxford Street which is run by Alexander Gearing with a total of 17 boys borders, ages ranging from 4yrs to 14 and Mrs Charlotte Quelch runs a ladies school.
The ‘dignitaries’ at this time were:
- Rev John Bacon, Woodlands parsonage
- Thomas Bush, Esq
- The Misses Garrard
- Thomas Hemington Esq
- Henry Hippisley Esq, Lambourn Place
- Rev Edward Thompson, Vicar
- John Harris Valpy Esq, Inholmes
The main employers are the many farmers within the parish, 35 in total farming 15,000 acres and therefore according to the census most inhabitants are agriculture workers which include boys from the age of 12. Life is hard for them.
Lambourn Inns
- The George : High Street: Robert Billing
- Red Lion : High Street, Commercial Inn & excise office: Charles Dubber
- Malt Shovel : Upper Lambourn: David Dubber
- White Horse : The Broadway: Amos Edlin
- Plough , Eastbury: Mrs Ann McDermott
- Sawyers Arms , High Street: Mrs Lucy Pavier
- Hinds Head , High Street: Ephraim Pottinger
- Hare & Hounds, Woodlands: William Rolph
There are many traders in the village (some of the names are still around today)
- John Palmer
- William Ryder Up Lam
- Henry Cox, Woodlands
- George Preater
- George Tibbs, Eastbury
- Richard Ferrebee
Brewer & Maltster
- Charles Spanswick
- Joseph Tichiner, Eastbury
- Charles Bluring
- William Edwards
- James Spanswick,Eastb
- John Stratford, New’y Rd
- William Beale, Newbury St
- John Hamblin, Eastbury
- James May,
- Robert Salt, Up Lambourn
- Francis Wilkins, Newbury St
- Mrs Mary Carter
- Francis Attewell, Oxford St
- Robert Portsmore
- Thomas Gilman, Master Baker
- Joseph Paulin
- Arthur Smith
Sheep Dealer
- John Cue, Oxford Rd
Plumber & Glazier
- John Shew Clark
- James Taylor, Newbury St
- James Griffin
- William Hawkes, High St
- John Gale Hillier, Newbury St
- David Kennard, High St
- Joseph Bew, Master Cooper
- Charles James Barnes
- Augustus Frederick Edwards
- William Knapp, Newbury St
- Thomas Hill, Oxford St
- James Tilby
- James Griffin
Grocer & Linen Drapers
- Joseph Davies
- James Hutchins
- Benjamin Jones
- James Thatcher
- William Painter
Watchmaker & Ironmongers
- Frederick Hill
- Thomas & George Hill
- John Lovell
Corn Dealer
- William Seymour
- Thomas Martin
- John Pavier
Saddle & Harness Maker
- George Robinson
Machine Maker
- Richard Thatcher, Newbury St
- William Day, Eastbury
- Thomas Kent, Eastbury
- John Lawrance
- James Maberly, High St
- Thomas Robinson, Newbury St
- Miss Mary Rogers, Eastbury
- Mrs Mary Smallbones, Up.Lambourn
- Misses Caroline & Sarah Willis, High St
- John Thatcher
- Mrs Sarah Piggott is receiver at the post office. Letters arrive from Hungerford at 7.45am and are despatched at 5.15pm.
- Richard Barrett , Up Lam, 230 acres, employing 10
- Richard Barrett , Eastbury
- Joseph Crouch , Oxford St, 180 acres, employing 6 men and 5 boys
- Thomas & Orchard Hedden
- Jason Withers, Eastbury
- Charles Hedden , Wantage Rd, 115 acres, employing 4 men and 2 boys
- John Hedden , Baydon Hill, 283 acres, 16 men
- William Hickson , Bockhampton
- Thomas Waldron , Up Lambourn, 219 acres, employing 10
- William Liddiard , Eastbury
- Stephen Holdway , Woodlands
- Joel Keable , 550 acres employing 16 men
- James Lawrance, Bockhampton
- John Lovelock , Woodlands, 50 acres, employing 2
- John Thomas Kent , Eastbury
- John Kimber , Woodlands, 100 acres, employing 10
- Brady Nicholson , Up Lambourn
- Richard Petitt , Oxford St, 613 acres, employing 22 men
- Henry Richard Philips , 300 acres, 12 men and 3 boys
- Robert Smith . Woodlands, 250 acres, employing 6
- William Smith . Woodlands, 61 acres, employing 2
- Charles F Spackman , Woodlands
- Jonathan Spanswick , Eastbury
- Henry Spicer , Parsonage Lane
- Thomas Spicer , Bockhampton, 900 acres, employing 30
- John Spicer , Bockhampton
- William Styles , Up Lambourn, 400 acres, employing 25 men, 4 boys
- George Waldron , Eastbury
- Gideon Williams , Up Lambourn
- James Waldron , Goose Green, 600 acres, employing 20
- John Wright , Woodlands, 50 acres
- John King , Woodlands, 26 acres
- John Kimber , Jnr, Woodlands
- John Mildenhall , Woodlands, 211 acres, employing 10
- John Whitehorn , Woodlands, 37 acres, employing 1
lizbeard 2008