There has been a Guide Company in Lambourn for many years. Here are some of the historic pictures of Guide activities dating back to the 1950’s.
Please let us know if you can add any names to the individuals or add any further facts to any of the following photos:

Alice Ford,is the Guide Captain, in the back row, 6th from the left. Rosina Cook, middle row, 6th from the left, and Betty Cook, front row, 5th from the left.

Can anyone identify any of the Brownies?

Every 3 years the Girl Guide movement holds a World Conference and in 1950 it took place in England, at Oxford. Messages of friendship in the form of Friendship Scrolls were carried from the furthest corners of the UK, through every county of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and handed to the delegates at the Conference, who in turn carried them back to their own countries. Egypt was the final destination of the Scroll which travelled through Berkshire.

Lambourn Girl Guides. 1950. The Market Square, Lambourn. Arrival of the Friendship Scroll, which was probably lodged in St Michael’s Church overnight before being handed over to the next link in the chain.

Lambourn Girl Guides. 1950 – Guiding World Conference Year. At Wayland’s Smithy, Lambourn Guides hand the Friendship Scroll to the group who are the next link in the chain. Possibly Betty Cook at the left edge of this photograph. Can anyone identify members of this group, please?

Lambourn Guides, Guiding World Conference year 1950. Handing over the Friendship Scroll at Wayland’s Smithy

Lambourn Girl Guides. 1950 – Guiding World Conference year. Lambourn Guides and the handover of the Friendship Scroll at Wayland’s Smithy. Probably Alice Ford, the Guider standing at the back. Who are the others in this group?

Lambourn Girl Guides at camp. Possibly Betty Cook 2nd left, front row, and maybe her sister, Rosie, far right on the front row. It would be good to be able to identify other individuals here

Lambourn Girl Guides at camp. Possibly Rosie Cook far right, but others unidentified at present.

Lambourn Girl Guides at camp – Charmouth. Guiders Alice Ford (left) and unidentified colleague,watching while Guides play in the sea.

Lambourn Girl Guides at camp. Date and place unknown. Can anyone identify anyone here, or the date or place of the camp?

Lambourn Girl Guides at camp. Date, place, names unknown. Possibly Rosie Cook, kneeling on the right.
Photographs with kind permission of Nova Jones
Any further information or photos are always appreciated
Liz Beard