Lambourn Food Junction – Giving a helping hand with children’s birthday parties

Childrens birthday party

Group of adorable kids looking at camera at birthday party

Lambourn Junction Food Hub is offering a birthday tea party to the value of £30 for children in households where money is tight and having a birthday tea is just not affordable.

It can be really hard for children to understand why their parents may not be able to hold a party for them. The child can feel rejected, have low self-esteem and this can lead to depression and feeling of isolation with your friendship group or family.

Food poverty is a very real thing in the Lambourn Valley and the families we support in no way neglect their children, they are simply having to prioritise. To help, we provide a free birthday tea party to the value of £30. The centrepiece is of course a birthday cake with candles and we include a selection of other cakes, nibbles and drinks as well as cups and plates – all you need to have friends round and to have a memorable birthday party. The

The birthday party food is adapted to the child’s age (1 to 16) and we take into consideration any special dietary requirements.

At the Lambourn Junction we do not means test. Your need to use Lambourn Junction may be temporary, for example a large bill to get your car repaired, a car you need to go to work, your budget for this month is gone.  A one-off trip to the Lambourn Junction maybe all that is needed to keep you feeding your family until next month’s salary is paid into your bank account. Other families may be waiting for their Universal credit to start, which takes on average five weeks.  Or you may have long term hardship because of reduced hours or loss of work, where paying your rent or mortgage is priority.  Lambourn Junction can offer food and household items, such as laundry detergent, toothpaste and feminine hygiene products until things get easier.

To get in touch with us, you can visit us at the blue portacabin in the public car park behind Goodies Cafe.  We will be delighted to discuss any queries you may have about needing a bit of extra support or if you would like to donate a party.  Please call Julie Blogg, team leader of Lambourn Junction Food Hub on 0784 0780 345 or email us at

The Lambourn Food Junction is operated by the Lambourn Junction Community Interest Company, a not for profit company which supports community initiatives in the Valley of the Racehorse.

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