Lambourn CE Primary School

Lambourn Primary School

Lambourn CE Primary School is a happy thriving learning environment in a beautiful spot overlooking the Lambourn Valley. We are lucky to have such magnificent outdoor space; there is a huge playing field with three adventure climbing frame areas, a fenced wildlife area with a pond, separate grass play areas for the Early Years buildings and two surfaced playgrounds for muddy days! Also within the grounds we have a wonderful heated outdoor swimming pool which is used by all the pupils, even nursery. Our pupils enjoy coming to school and benefit greatly from the many exciting learning opportunities they are given. The dedicated staff team places a strong emphasis on creating a safe, well-resourced and attractive environment in which all children can learn. Lambourn CE Primary School is a family-orientated school and encourages parents, family members and volunteers from the local community to support learning in all areas of the curriculum and school events.
We also have two minibuses which we use to take the children to local events and activities. We are able to offer nursery places to children at the start of the term after their second birthday. The nursery sessions are arranged by age so that the children are with others who will start school in the same intake. This enables us to tailor the activities to match the needs of the children, with more structured sessions for the older children to develop their reading and writing skills in preparation to starting school.
Children start at the main school in the September following their fourth birthday. Places have to be applied for through West Berkshire Council by the middle of the preceding January. We are very proud of the opportunities we are able to offer our children at Lambourn CE Primary School and visitors are always welcome to come and have a look round. Please contact the school office
Please contact the school office 01488 71479 or to make an appointment.