Jubilee Picnic Day – June 4th 2012

Monday 4th June 2012 was the ‘Picnic in the Park’ for the Queen’s Jubilee Celebration in Lambourn. A joint effort between Parish Council, Lambourn Festival Committee, PTA and Lambourn Sports Club. With the weather, not promising to be too good, it did not deter the many people who attended this occasion to celebrate the Queen’s Jubilee.
Individual gazebos were erected and dressed and food was in abundance in each, so much work went into the preparation. While the Band played, many children enjoyed the magician, the PTA craft tent, finger nails were painted, bouncy castle and the roundabout were enjoyed. Later on the children joined in the races which included the egg and spoon race which caused much jollity. Song sheets were given out and the Band struck up God save the Queen, Land of Hope and Glory and Jerusalem and all through the afternoon the rain kept off and we were even treated to sunshine…all in all a very enjoyable afternoon. Well done to the organizers and everyone who supported this event and made it a great afternoon and of course to the winners of the ‘best dressed gazebo’