Howard Woollaston: Parish Matters – September 2024

Howard Woollaston
West Berkshire Councillor: Lambourn Ward
I don’t usually write a newsletter at the end of August as it tends to be a very quiet month. However, Vicky Rieunier (Chair of Lambourn Parish Council) and I had a very productive meeting with Jon Winstanley who is the Senior Service Line Director for all things to do with roads and flooding so I thought to keep you up to date on just these two items.
Roads, Sewage and Flooding
The agenda for the meeting was as follows: –
- Support for the Lambourn Flyer – a proposed volunteer bus service being proposed by Lambourn CIC
- Gulley and Drain clearing – I think scheduled for November at present – can they be brought forward.
- Proposed Parking charges in High Street Car Park – is it viable for only 30 spaces when most will be less than an hour and free. Any proposal for a season ticket?
- Double yellow lines virtually disappeared.
- Road damage in Upper Lambourn
- Traffic/Parking enforcement
- Take new streetlights back from PC to WBC
- Hungerford Hill Speed indicator sign not working – hopefully just the solar panel out of line.
- Speed Limits – what is pragmatic, achievable and enforceable?
- Playgrounds
- Three Posts Lane
- Dog bins
Jon has already confirmed to me that road repairs are scheduled this Autumn from Market Square down to beyond the Newbury Street/Mill Lane junction covering the fire station and the whole of the High Street in Upper Lambourn from the B4000 to beyond Malt Shovel Lane to Drain Lane.
Lambourn Flyer
Running a bus service, even with volunteers, is perhaps unsurprisingly not as simple as you would think. It needs to be registered and there are obvious Health & Safety requirements and regulations. However, there are some limited grants, both revenue and capital, from the Council and they will help where they can to integrate any service into the existing schedules. I have passed full information to Christian Noll of Lambourn CIC to take things forward.
Gulley & Drainage Clearing
This has already commenced, and the Council now has a regular process of clearing them. Almost all ditches are the responsibility of the landowners. If you think there is a problem, please get in touch with the Council using the “Report an issue “part of the website. Vicky and the Parish Council are on top of most. The good news is that the Drainage Team is back up to 6 strong so they are in a position to get the Contractors out quickly.
Lambourn Car Park
Not such good news. The charges will commence as soon as the ticket machine is installed (likely to be in the next month or so) but with the first 30 minutes free of charge. Payment will only be by Phone or card not cash. I pointed out again that I questioned whether it was viable given that the majority of people only park whilst doing a quick shop and without enforcement either by a warden or cameras I suspect that there are many who will just take a risk – not that I am advocating that! He agreed to review it in a year’s time.
Double Yellow Lines
Already in the works programme for the High Street and the Car Park. A new AI system should allow faded white and yellow lines to be identified and fixed far more quickly. In the meantime, if you see faded lines, please report via the West Berks fault system.
Upper Lambourn
Already in the programme for this Autumn. Vicky and I queried whether there is a long-term solution to the springs rising through the road. Thought unlikely but to be looked at with the Council and Thames Water.
Traffic/Parking Enforcement
Difficult owing to resource issues. Contact name provided to ask for more.
It was confirmed that other parishes do pay for their streetlights, with budgets being firmly in mind, West Berks are looking to devolve responsibilities rather than take on new costs. The expectation is that the costs for streetlighting will remain with LPC. However, following negotiations with West Berks, we have recently been granted £25k for the Lambourn streetlight upgrade project. Given, that they are now all LED with lower running costs accepted that Parish Council will retain responsibility.
Hungerford Hill Speed camera
Will be repaired.
Speed limits
There is a presumption against blanket limits. Agreement that because of the racing industry and racehorses on the roads that Lambourn and Eastbury are a priority. Vicky and I will take up after what will need to be a widespread consultation.
As with the street lights,most parishes maintain their play areas and we agreed that Lambourn will continue to do so.
Three Posts Lane, Lambourn
The walls have fallen down in places over recent years. The issue is that nobody knows who is responsible for them. West Berks Council is definitely responsible for the actual right of way, but they do not think for the walls. The Parish Council are certain that it is not them which leaves the adjoining householders. WBC have agreed to have a detailed look at the boundaries through Land registry to find a solution.
Dog Waste Bins
The Parish Council found their own contractor as they were dissatisfied by the service levels from WBC’s contractor. WBC is considering using the same contractor as LPC going forward as they have similar misgivings.
The Parish Council are organising a public meeting with Thames Water in September
All in all, Vicky and I thought a positive and useful meeting.
Get in touch.
Whatever is concerning you please do get in touch on 07836 718100 or