Howard Woollaston: Parish Matters – October 2024

Howard Woollaston
West Berkshire Councillor: Lambourn Ward
September/October 2024
Autumn is firmly upon us and sadly September was extremely wet, with Berkshire receiving 3 times the amount of rainfall compared to the long-term average and groundwater levels look to be close to starting to rise again – this is not good news!
Which leads me to ….
Sewage and Flooding
The good news is that Thames Water seem to be delivering. They have nearly completed the lining and manhole sealing in Eastbury and East Garston and now have agreed funding internally to do the same for Upper Lambourn and parts of Lambourn before the groundwater levels rise.
Along with the Environment Agency and West Berkshire Council’s Highways and Flood Teams, TW hosted a really useful drop-in session in the Memorial Hall Lambourn, which was well attended, and they have agreed to do a further one in a few months’ time.
In addition, precautionary ATAC units will be placed at the Fire Station Lambourn and in East Garston.
The Lambourn Valley is one of TW’s top three priorities apparently which is quietly encouraging but as ever time will tell!
Things are also progressing well on the roads front. You will have noticed numerous temporary road closures to repair potholes, and we now have shiny new yellow bands by the Co-op. The crossroads in Lambourn has been resurfaced and then covered with sand to avoid accidents with horses.
WBC have also resurfaced most of Upper Lambourn High Street whilst cooperating with Jockey Club Estates and the racing industry generally to minimise disruption to horses riding out. Again, we seem to be getting a degree of priority, recognising the importance of racing to the local economy.
The Council is also firmly on the case on clearing gulleys and ditches which are its responsibility. Gentle pressure is being applied to landowners where they are responsible, and WBC are prepared to send formal notices where necessary.
I am keeping my fingers firmly crossed but we do seem to be in a much better state of preparedness for whatever winter is about to throw at us.
Lambourn Fire Station
I was privileged to be able to visit the Station with one of my colleagues who sits on the Fire and Rescue Committee at the beginning of September. The essential problem is a shortage of volunteers which at the moment means that their main engine can’t be operated. They get on average, over one callout a week using their smaller vehicles. Volunteers need to live close to the station and be a minimum of 17 ¾ to allow for 3 months training and obviously physically fit. Men and women are equally welcomed, and I would encourage anybody wo wants to put something back into the community to give it a go.
Lee Dillon MP
We welcomed Lee to Lambourn in the middle of the month. He initially spent time with the Woodlands Protection Group before coming to Lambourn to see our flooding and sewage issues before an excellent sandwich lunch provided by Goodies café allowing Councillors to raise various other issues. I have known Lee for well over 5 years and briefed him on Nutrient Neutrality problems which he has promised to take up with DEFRA. He finished his visit by going to Jockey Club Estates to meet some trainers before a trip around the gallops.
Drug Initiative
A workshop was arranged under the auspices of the Lambourn Junction CIC led by Christian Noll. I unfortunately had a clash of appointments, but it was extremely well attended by a number of key stakeholders with some positive takeaways and actions to try and help resolve the drug issues that we have.
I applaud Christian for the initiative and hope to be involved in the next stages.
Winter Fuel Allowances
I accept that this is a slightly political issue, and as regular readers of this newsletter know I try to keep this apolitical. I am just appalled that pensioners who have contributed all of their lives to this country and contributed financially to their pensions are being treated so disgracefully. I am fortunate that I do not need the allowance and indeed have donated to charity when I received it but for those on the basic state pension, even with the triple lock it is literally the question of eat or heat.
The purpose of my raising this is that I know that there are many proud pensioners who are not taking up Pension Credits to allow them to retain Winter Fuel Allowances and other benefits. Below is the detail from West Berkshire Council and I would ask you that if you know of a pensioner in need that you encourage them to apply.
Date: 03 October 2024
Are you, or someone you know eligible for Pension Credit?
West Berkshire Council wants to ensure that people who are eligible for pension credit and winter fuel allowance know how to claim their entitlement.
Around 10 million pensioners are set to lose winter fuel payments under changes being brought in by the Government.
Until now, all pensioners received the winter fuel payment to help with energy bills and the increased risk that they wouldn’t be able to pay for adequate heating. Under the new rules, future payments will only be made to those getting pension credit or other means-tested help.
In West Berkshire alone it is estimated that around 600 pensioners have not yet claimed pension credit or applied to see if they’re eligible.
Pension credit is separate from the State Pension and is worth, on average, over £3,900 a year and could provide extra cash to help with living costs to many people who need financial support.
For example, pension credit may give people extra help if they’re a carer, severely disabled, or responsible for a child or young person. There is also other help, such as:
- Housing Benefit if you rent the property you live in
- Winter Fuel Payment
- Support for Mortgage Interest if you own the property you live in
- a Council Tax discount
- a free TV licence if you’re aged 75 or over
- help with NHS dental treatment, glasses and transport costs for hospital appointments, if you get a certain type of Pension Credit
- help with your heating costs through the Warm Home Discount Scheme
- a discount on the Royal Mail redirection service if you’re moving house
Councillor Patrick Clark, West Berkshire’s Executive Member for Adult Social Care and Public Health said, “We really want to make sure that all our local people are claiming the benefits they need and deserve. Without the winter fuel allowance, many pensioners will struggle as the cold weather comes. If you, or a family member or friend are aged 66 or over, please do apply to see if you’re eligible for pension credit.
“We know that many people worry that it may affect any benefits they are receiving, but it is totally separate to the State Pension and could really give a much-needed financial boost. Some people are not confident with the application process and we’re happy to signpost people to local organisations who can help them with this.”
The Department for work and Pensions (DWP) will be sending out letters to pensioner households inviting them to claim if they are eligible. The closing date for applications is 21 December, but we recommend you apply as soon as possible.
If you, or anyone you know needs help to apply for pension credit, in the first instance, please contact your Citizen’s Advice West Berkshire or call 01635 516605
Age UK Berkshire or call 0118 959 4242
Christians Against Poverty, Newbury Tel: 0800 328 0006
If you are a Housing Association tenant, please contact your Association direct as many have support officers to help with matters such as this.
If you do not have a computer, you can use one free of charge at your local Library. Call 07887 832 360 or find out more here
Find more information about pension credit online.
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Neighbourhood Development Plan
After a really long haul we are I think finally there to submit it. There has been a further consultation process and people’s views have been taken on board and the plan is being amended where necessary. I hope that those who attended understand the huge effort put in by the Steering Committee, chaired by the indefatigable Sue Cocker.
Get in touch.
Once again a huge thank you to Brian Quinn of Penny Post for providing his editorial oversight of my newsletter.
Whatever is concerning you please do get in touch on 07836 718100 or . I will be away on holiday between October 12th-22nd but will be checking my emails daily and I am happy to take calls.