Howard Woollaston: Parish Matters – May/June 2023

Howard Woollaston
West Berkshire Council Conservative member for Lambourn Ward

Opposition seems very strange. I am not in a position to initiate anything; it is very dispiriting watching as some projects that I have worked hard on for two or three years are being cancelled; and we already see the early signs of the lid being taken off the previous spending containment which may result in either no reduction of Council Tax in future years or cutbacks in service delivery.

We are still in a “phoney war” period. As opposition we are there to challenge constructively. Where we agree with policies, we will wholeheartedly support them but equally where we don’t, we will actively point out the implications. To date so little has been announced that there is little to get our teeth into.

Needless to say, ward casework continues apace, and the good news is that I have more time to dedicate to it. Inevitably a fair amount of this is of a personal nature but I welcome the opportunity to help.

However, I have been appointed as:

  • Shadow Portfolio Holder Spokesman for Housing, Countryside, Culture, Leisure, Sport and Public Safety.
  • A member of Western Area Planning Committee.
  • The Vice Chair of the Governance Committee.
  • A member of several working parties.

Parish Council Annual Assembly

I was delighted to be able to give a brief speech at this event (more details on which can be found here) where I outlined the key issues that I had encountered whilst canvassing before the election. As mentioned last month, the usual suspects came up and I have addressed some of these specifically in this newsletter.

  • Speeding
  • Potholes
  • Affordable housing
  • Drugs
  • Youth provision
  • Sewage
  • Improving Lambourn High Street

I have promised to speak to the Chief Inspector at Thames Valley Police in Newbury to try and get more police presence here and in particular PCSO’s.I have kicked off the speeding request for 20mph in the centre of Lambourn and Eastbury, 40mph on the B4000 and 30mph on Ramsbury Road in Membury.

The Neighbourhood Development Plan continues its progress and will hopefully address some of our affordable-housing needs.

I would really welcome suggestions about how to improve the appearance of the centre of Lambourn. Proposals so far include resurfacing the main crossroads; creating a one way system using High Street, Crowle Road, Big Lane, The Broadway and Oxford Street; stopping parking in the High Street; and a CIL bid to upgrade decoration generally and provide planting pots.

If anybody wants to get involved, please do get in touch with either Vicky Rieunier at the Parish Council or me (contact details below).

I will be putting in a Members Bid to contribute 50% of the cost of repairing the damaged wall in Three Posts Lane.

Sewage and flood risks

The saga continues! Here in Eastbury we have a rotation of tankers in the middle of the village to deal with very increased water levels in one of the sewers. Thames Water admits that it does not understand what is causing the problem, but it has to be water ingress somewhere. The river is extremely high for this time of the year and the Environment Agency has been out cutting weed as have the ever-reliable band of volunteers.

The new sewer is expected to be fully connected in July –which is ahead of schedule – so everything crossed that it all works. The valley road at the Queens Arms will have to be closed for one or two days to finalise this connection after which Thames Water promise a full clean-up of the mess that has been created.

Youth Club

Largely through the impressive efforts of Vicky Rieunier, Chair of the Parish Council and Anna Field, it is looking very hopeful that the Youth Club can be moved to the Lambourn Centre, a far more appropriate and suitable venue. This has been a great effort and I am delighted that West Berkshire Council accepts the real need here in Lambourn.


They continue to be fixed. Eastbury Shute/Straight Lane was repaired without my even knowing about it and you will have seen that a second batch have been repaired on the B4000 between the Pheasant and Hungerford Hill making for a far more comfortable and less stressful drive.

I do urge everyone to go to the Report a Problem section on the Council’s website. It is very easy to use and not only will it be fixed quickly but you will receive an update.

Sovereign’s service charges

I have briefed the new Housing Portfolio Holder on this problem but will continue to badger Sovereign on behalf of ward residents. A reminder that  support is there for those in need: you just need to tell us through the Council’s Cost of Living Hub.

Eastbury Village Hall

Progress is being made thanks to the efforts of Chris Capel and the other Trustees. We need £16,000 to demolish this dangerous building – costs are inflated because of asbestos being present which requires specialist contractors. The village have provided a fair chunk and Greenham Common Trust has been a huge supporter. I am going to put a members bid in to add to the pot and hopefully we can close the gap.

Get in Touch

As ever if I can help, please get in contact with me on 07836 718100 or

I am away on holiday from 5 to 16 June but will be picking up my emails and phone messages intermittently, generally once a day. We have a house/dog sitter at home but neither she nor our dogs are likely to be of much use for ward matters…