Howard Woollaston: Parish Matters – May 2024

Howard Woollaston
West Berkshire Councillor: Lambourn Ward
April / May 2024
So now we have had the wettest April since records began in 1835. When is this rain going to stop and we can get a dry spring with the groundwater dropping? I for one have had enough of it and I am sure that I am not alone.
Sewage and flood risks
Laura Farris, the Newbury MP held a surgery in Goodies Café on 26 April morning. Needless to say, the main topic was sewage and flooding. Earlier that morning she met with Vicky Rieunier, Chris Harris, Rachel Carden, and me to look for a way forward with Thames Water.
She had already arranged a meeting with the Environment Secretary, and we agreed that she would ask for a grant to get an expert consultant to advise on fluvial and hydrological issues to assess ways in which the impact of both groundwater and rainfall can be controlled to minimise flooding and groundwater infiltration into the sewers down the valley.
She has also decided to hold a public meeting in Lambourn on the matter. The date will be announced by Penny Post and Lambourn.Org
As I have said many times there is no quick fix, but we need an holistic approach coordinating all agencies.
In the meantime, the Parish Council is arranging a further meeting with the operational staff at TW to better understand the issues and possible solutions. I intend to also attend.
There was however one quick fix, in Eastbury. The Environment Agency had a weed cut which almost immediately removed the flooding in front of the church and have promised to repeat the exercise quarterly. I also arranged for WBC’s contractors to clean Back Street to remove the slime on the road.
Thames Water has confirmed that it has lined 10.1Km of sewer pipes and sealed 134 manholes to date. They have funding agreed for a further 548m and 13 manholes from the source down to Great Shefford, for this summer, subject obviously to groundwater levels.
I am very conscious that now the sewage release and flooding have to some extent stopped, that there is a serious danger that the issues will go to the back of peoples’ minds. This will only rear its head again when the groundwater once again starts to rise. Realistically, this could happen at any time. Also, low groundwater provides an ideal opportunity for checking and repairing the pipes, so we need to ensure TW is doing this.
We cannot take our foot off the pedal and must maintain pressure.
A Group for the whole of the River Lambourn
This group has now kicked off and I am arranging a meeting to get the framework of the report agreed.
Asphalt Plant Membury Industrial Estate
No change on my comment a month ago. The Planning Department at the Council is under massive pressures and to compound it the Head of the team has medical issues and is on sick leave. The good news is that a new Service Lead for all things planning, including enforcement, has been appointed but he is unable to take up the reins until he is contractually allowed in July. In the meantime, an outsourced contract has been put in place to speed up the whole process and in particular registration of applications.
Members Bids
The flagpole above the Church in Lambourn was erected on schedule and the St. George’s Flag was flying prominently on 23 April – St. George’s Day. I have agreed with Lambourn Parish Council that my next bid will be to refurbish the public WC at the Memorial Hall at a cost of about £10,000 half funded by the PC and half from my bid from WBC’s CIL pot.
Neighbourhood Development Plan
Final consultations on the plan were held in Eastbury, Lambourn Woodlands and, two in Lambourn in April. The plan will hopefully be submitted to West Berks Council by early summer and then onto the Planning Inspector before a final referendum for the Parish. It has only taken 5 years so far!
The Steering Group, chaired by Sue Cocker, is very conscious of residents’ concerns of residential development before the sewage issues are fixed. However, we are short of housing and particularly affordable housing which has been detailed in a Housing Needs Assessment commissioned from an outside consultant. The WBC Local Plan assumes up to 90 Residential units for Lambourn of which 40% would be affordable, during the period of the plan to 2040. To reinforce the NDP’s views. The plan states very clearly none until sewage is fixed.
A slight respite over Easter but it still continues apace. Major issues this month mostly revolve around Housing and Planning but inevitably water and sewage. A new issue is trail bikers up by Lynch Wood mostly at weekends. Not only are they noisy, but they are tearing up the ground which of course is still virtually saturated. I have promised to contact the Chief Inspector at Newbury to see if they can do some spot checks.
A lady in Eastbury has discovered that she is paying for the electricity for a flip (similar to a non-reverse valve preventing sewage backing up into houses) from her own meter! I am taking this up with Thames Water.
Get in touch.
Whatever is concerning you please do get in touch on 07836 718 100 or
My thanks as ever to Brian Quinn of Penny Post for bringing his journalistic expertise to my ramblings.