Howard Woollaston: Parish Matters – February 2025

Howard Woollaston
West Berkshire Councillor: Lambourn Ward
January/February 2025
As I anticipated December 2024 was pretty news-free and it was quite a slow start for January, but things have picked up rapidly as they often do. There is rarely a respite but that is what I signed up for ….
Could I wish you all an extremely belated Happy New Year.
Sewage and Flooding
Everything firmly crossed but despite more heavy rainfall apart from a small blip by the Fire Station in Lambourn which was speedily resolved we have got through January with no flooding or sewage issues. Thames Water’s lining solution seems to be working despite groundwater levels being well up.
Ditches and gullies are generally cleared but please do report any that you see as a problem whether they are WBC responsibilities or private landowners. WBC’s report a problem page is the best place go to for this.
Membury Industrial Estate
It has been a few months since this topic came up in my newsletter. I had hoped that the proposed Asphalt Plant had gone away but no such luck.
It is coming to Western Area Planning Committee in March as a result of the huge number of letters of opposition and the petition from the previous attempt. As your ward member I will be representing you and speaking against as will the Parish Council and the Woodlands Protection Group who are working on their spokesperson(s).
As a planning committee Councillor, I can be predisposed but not predetermined (there is a fine distinction) so it may well be that I will have to have a substitute for the committee meeting itself, to avoid any claim from the applicant that I am biased.
Neighbourhood Development Plan
I know I keep saying this, but we are genuinely nearly there at last.
We have two steering group meetings this month which should hopefully be the end until the final consultation, its consideration by the Inspector and finally the referendum at which all electors in Lambourn ward will be able to vote in whether the plan should be adopted. If it is it will then become part of WBC’s Local Plan.
Parish Council
Firstly, congratulations to Steve Mead on his appointment as Chairman of the Parish Council. I have known Steve for some time when we both lived in Eastbury and in my view he will make an outstanding Chairman. We met over some drinks in the Queens Arms last week and I am certain that we can work in partnership to work in the very best interests of our residents.
Eagle Quarter (now Old Town) Newbury
Whilst obviously not in Lambourn Ward, I thought that as it is such a key development proposed in our largest nearby town that I should continue covering it.
I won’t go on for long as it has been widely covered in both Penny Post and the Newbury Weekly News. I attended the Planning Councillors’ presentation in the old Laura Ashley shop next to Cafe Nero in Newbury and it is fair to say that the new scheme meets almost all of the objections to the previous one with the sole exception of a lack of any affordable housing.
If you can spare the time to attend the public event being held on Friday 7th February(see Penny Post for details) it will be an interesting 30 minutes or so well spent.
Housing is the major issue again this month, as it often is.
A success is a lady and her daughter who were evicted in Lambourn some months ago but after a long time in temporary accommodation have now been relocated to a home in Hungerford.
I am still working on a family who were similarly evicted last month but the Housing Team is still struggling for a solution. The issue is that there is far less Social and Affordable Housing in Lambourn in particular but also Hungerford compared to the rest of the district and most people are constrained by education, friends and family commitments or employment considerations as to where they can go.
I also had my monthly catchup with the WBC Housing Manager and ran through the various issues that my residents have on the housing front.
Generally, the situation is improving with the team back up to full strength, rough sleeper numbers back to single figures and there are a number of developments nearing completion which will generate more social and affordable housing. We also seem to be through any immediate pressure from migrants although this can always change at any time.
Get in touch.
Whatever is concerning you please do get in touch on 07836 718100 or