Housing in West Berkshire – Have your say!
Public consultation begins on West Berkshire’s draft Housing Strategy 2020 – 2036
West Berkshire Council is inviting residents and stakeholders to provide their views on its draft Housing Strategy 2020-2026, which details how the council intends to support residents with access to good quality housing while preventing homelessness and rough sleeping.
This public consultation will close at midnight on Sunday, 1 November 2020. The strategy and survey which takes about 10 mins to complete can be accessed HERE
The Housing Strategy sets out West Berkshire Council’s strategic housing priorities and the range of actions that the Council intends to take in partnership with relevant partners and stakeholders. In addition, the draft strategy explains how a thriving housing market – within both the local and national context – can positively influence and support the delivery of the Council’s vision through the following twin priorities:
- Priority 1 – Enable every resident to have access to a home that meets their needs
- Priority 2 – Reduce homelessness
The draft strategy looks at the demographics and anticipated demand for housing across the District for the future. Overall, the population is projected to grow by just under 5% by 2036. While West Berkshire has a relatively young population at present, the population is forecast to become older with household sizes reducing. These factors will impact on the future requirements for the type and size of housing across the district and the need for appropriate affordable housing.
Councillor Hilary Cole, Executive Member for Housing at West Berkshire Council, said:
“We are inviting residents and stakeholders to have their say on our draft Housing Strategy as the presence of a balanced housing market across West Berkshire is critical to ensuring that residents’ health and well-being is safeguarded. We are particularly keen to hear from young people and key workers so we can ensure their housing aspirations are captured within the strategy.
To read the policy and have their say on the consultation survey, residents and stakeholders can visit the West Berkshire Council website: https://info.westberks.gov.uk/drafthousingstrategy.
Those unable to participate online can request a hard copy by calling 01635 519530 and selecting option 1.