Food Bank – Revised procedures for supplying Emergency Food

Necessary Changes to West Berks Foodbank operations-: COVID-19: Effective Monday 30th March 2020

From 30th March a new scheme is necessary, since 3/4 of our volunteers are in the “high-risk” category (being over 70 years) and now largely unavailable to help.

We shall be making up pre-packaged parcels for a variety of sizes of household. These will be delivered to each client’s home as vehicle availability permits.

Those clients who are contacting via Crisis Foodline will continue to make use of a phone call (to 01635 760560), during which their necessary details will be recorded, and an electronic voucher number issued. Be ready to explain your circumstances on the phone to evidence your need for food from us. The food parcel of the right size will be delivered to your home as soon as possible.

Alternatively, those clients who have been given a red paper voucher by a referrer, and who would usually attend one of our five Foodbank Centres, will need to make a phone call to advise us of all of the details on the red voucher. The new line established for this purpose is (01635 813390) will be available from March 30th 2020.
We shall arrange for the food parcel of the right size to be delivered to your home as soon as possible.

Sadly, in this period of infection, it will be necessary to deliver to your door (without any conversation taking place).

To repeat the phone numbers-: 01635 760560 for a Crisis Foodline (verbal electronic voucher number) this process being unchanged, though now completed with a home delivery of a food parcel. This facility is only for those who have no food at home, and no money to purchase food.
You will be asked on the phone to explain your circumstances to evidence your need.

Those clients holding red paper vouchers issued by a referrer will need to call 01635 813390 and advise us of all of the details for processing, after which the home delivery of a food parcel will occur as soon as possible.

It should be made clear now that “self-isolation” is not of itself sufficient justification for the Foodbank supplying a food parcel. There are other local organisations addressing this problem.

We, the West Berks Foodbank are assisting those who are in Crisis Need (i.e. they have no money with which to purchase food and also have no food at home) and may additionally be self-isolating.

 Thank you for your co-operation, especially at this challenging time for all of us.