The firm, E.J. Wicks, was founded in 1905 by Fred ‘Peggy’ Wicks, a well-known character in the village for many years. Later he was joined by his brother Edward, in whose name the business is still registered. Edward ‘Jimmy’ Wicks was apprentice to his brother in 1911 and took over the business in 1936 after his brother’s death.

In 1960 the Bert Crofts, joined the firm and eventually became a partner with Cyril Bentick. Cyril was a jockey for 14 years and rode in the Derby. While working as travelling head lad for Matt Feakes he would slip into the Lambourn Saddlers shop whenever possible to learn the business and he joined them full time in 1962. Cyril married Sylvia Wicks, Jimmy Wicks daughter and continued the business for many years, sadly Cyril died in 2010, a much loved and respected man and fondly remembered. E.J Wicks continued with Cyril’s son, Malcolm, daughter, Sandra and her husband Jimmy Nolan until they retired and the business was sold, it is nice that it is still known as E.J.Wicks Saddlers. Sadly Sylvia died in October 2018 and she will also be remembered with great respect and fondness.
Over the years E.J.Wicks has made saddlery for the Queen Mother, Prince Charles, Princess Anne and The Sultan of Oman and exported all over the world including Kenya, Switzerland, America, New Zealand and Germany.
A first class Saddlers with a world-wide reputation and one which Lambourn can be proud of.
Liz Beard 2018
Bert Croft’s was my Uncle who was married to my Aunt Joyce Rymell and we visited many times with my 3children, We loved the smell of leather and the clip clop of the horses passing the shop in the mornings on the way for training.
Bert lived in Malmesbury Wiltshire where he met Joyce and they had a son Grant. We visited during the 1960,s and loved the village.
Knew them well and Grant. Where is Grant now?
Grant Croft’s is living in Chiseldon
How lovely to hear from you Grant!! some years have passed eh!! Hope all well with you.
This is a message for Grant Crofts. I know this is not the right forum for such a message, but this is the first time I have found a lead as to your whereabouts. My name is Stella and I am your cousin. My grandfather, Charles Crofts was the brother of Bert your grandfather. We tried to find you, unsuccessfully, when my father Derek Crofts, passed several years ago. I have few relatives on my father’s side and would love to connect.
Hello Stella, Thank you for contacting the Website. I am not sure if Grant will see this message, I would like to think so. I will email you. Regards Liz