[caption id="attachment_3518" align="alignnone" width="271"] 1st Lambourn Brownies (Rainbow and Guides[/caption]
Brownies meet on Thursday's at Walwyn Hall.
Rainbow 4:15pm - 5pm
Brownies 5:15pm - 6:30pm
Guides 6:30pm - 7:45pm
They meet once a week in term time to meet with friends, play games, work towards badges and have fun.
We also go on pack holidays and have days out with other packs in the district.
To register interest, go to the website or contact Brown Owl
The Lambourn Valley Horticultural Society started in 1988. In the May edition of Village Views a letter from Bridget Barman of East Garston asked if there was anyone who would be interested in starting a Gardeners' Club/Horticultural Society. In the June edition of that year the inaugural meeting was announced, to be held on Thursday 16th June in Lambourn Memorial Hall which was attended by 33 enthusiasts. It was decided to have monthly meetings with guest speakers and a few outings to gardens of interest during the summer months. By the middle of September we had enjoyed an outing to the RHS garden at Wisley and had our first meeting, an illustrated talk given by Wendy Burdett on Garden Design.
Many years later we are still a thriving society with a number of current members who attended that first inaugural meeting.
The present day Society still runs on the same lines. We meet on the second Thursday of each month from September to May in Lambourn Memorial Hall at 7.00pm when we have speakers covering a wide variety of gardening topics. From May to September we enjoy outings to a variety of gardens both private and ones open to the public, both large and small. These visits are always very popular and you have to book early to get a place on the coach. Once a year we have a quiz against Ramsbury Horticultural Society with questions posed by an outside quizmaster, each society taking it in turns to host the evening.
Our annual subscription is £8. As a member you can attend meetings and outings. We also have plant sales at the October, April and May meetings and make and sell Christmas wreaths at Lambourn Church Christmas Fair.
If you would like to join the society just come along to one of our meetings, or if you would like to try us out first you will be welcome as a visitor for a small fee. Look out for posters in Lambourn and details in Village Views. Our current Chairman Anne Saunders. We are a very friendly sociable society providing a good opportunity to make new friends.
Jiu Jitsu is a dynamic martial art including locks, throws and strikes, training in Lambourn since 2013.
Fully insured and licensed instructors with over 30 years experience.
The club trains on Monday evenings 6.30 to 8.30 and attends and runs seminars across the country.
Beginners and high grades welcome.
For more information contact Jerry Spary
Close End,
In the spring of 2003 the Parish Council asked the plotholders on the council's allotments to administer the plots themselves. The administration of the plots was proving too time consuming for the council staff.
On the 1st April 2003 the Lambourn Allotment Society was set up and took over administration of the allotment site from that date. The Society is run by a committee of 5 people. The Society elects annually a chairman, treasurer, secretary and a further committee member; a councillor is appointed to the committee by the Parish Council. The committee is charged with administering the plots to ensure that as many as possible are used and is able to use the rents received to pay for water, insurance and maintenance costs such as rabbit control and fence repairs. Any surplus is used for improvements such as additional rabbit fencing and hard surfacing for vehicular access.
Long term plans (5-10 years) are limited as the security of tenure is only on an annual basis. However the Society's general aims are:
To continue to encourage maximum occupancy of the plots
To make improvements to the site as funds permit
To encourage an improving standard of husbandry and tidiness of the plots
There is currently a waiting list for plots but interested parties should firstly make themselves known to the Society's Waiting List Secretary, lambourn.allotments@gmail.com
Pierre Josling
Acting Chairman
Lambourn Allotment Society
RG17 8NP
Lambourn Business Group (West Berkshire) offers local businesses a chance to network, and to share ideas and resources. All business owners operating within a 10-mile radius of Lambourn are welcome to attend. See the area circled in red on the map.
Meetings are held on the 2nd Tuesday of every month 8.30-10.00am (excluding August and December) at Goodies Cafe in Lambourn. There is no membership or joining fee - just buy a cup of coffee! There is a public car park behind the cafe, just off Lambourn High Street.
Email: LambournBusinessGroup@outlook.com
Mailing List sign up: http://eepurl.com/dtVEpD
Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/LamBG/
We are a thriving and friendly camera club based in the heart of the Lambourn Valley which is within the Berkshire Downs. We welcome people of all photographic abilities and experiences. Our aim is to guide, encourage and have fun while learning new skills. We provide support for all levels of photographer, no matter how far you want to take your photography, and can give guidance if you are preparing for Royal Photographic Society (RPS) distinctions or other photographic qualifications.
Our programme includes practical activities and workshops, as well as talks and demonstrations from experts. For those who wish to have their work assessed, we also provide a number of club and inter-club competitions. This website gives a brief introduction to the club.
If you would like to know more, please get in touch or join one of our activities.
Lambourn Chimers was started following a talk about the history of handbell ringing at the local WI. Some of the attendees then went to a workshop run by the speaker. As a result of this workshop, four of us started to play regularly, with borrowed handbells, in late 2002.
We have obtained lottery funding to purchase bells and bought other equipment from local charitable donations and our own fundraising efforts. The group currently has nine ringers, with two and a half octaves of handbells and two octaves of chimes.
We are members of the Handbell Ringers of Great Britain (HRGB) Some of us have attended Regional and National rallies, picking up hints, tips and music along the way.
When possible, we play at local events from a wide range of music in different styles. The demand is highest in the weeks before Christmas. We have performed in Churches, Nursing Homes and Day Centres, Hospitals and for WI branches.
We have even managed to find a way to play during lockdown using Zoom and a website call Ringing Room.
If you would be interested in joining us to make music or would like to make a booking, telephone Jenny Carter on 01488 72679 or email ringingjenny@gmail.com
“Preserving the Heritage for the people of The Valley of the Racehorse, it’s natural beauty & character”
[caption id="attachment_3372" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Lambourn Conservation Group[/caption]
We are a friendly club which trains in Kenpo Ju-Jitsu and are open to anyone who wishes to train in a practical and effective Martial Art, regardless of experience, fitness or gender (over 16s only)
We train every Friday at The Lambourn Centre 6.30 - 8.30
Newcomers are most welcome to come and join or just watch if you prefer
Contact Jerry on Mob - 07734 074 082 or look up our Facebook Group
Lambourn Sports Club provides sports facility and a function hall in the heart of Lambourn. The large sports ground supports football for adults and juniors plus tennis, cricket and bowls. The clubhouse has air rifle ranges and a billiards room. The refurbished Family Room and Members Lounge Bar offer comfortable surroundings for socialising with friends or enjoying televised sports from Sky Sports and ESPN with multiple events screened on different large screen TV's.
To contact the Lambourn Sports Club email: lambournsportsclub@hotmail.co.uk
Lambourn WI was suspended when there were insufficient members prepared to remain on the committee at the Annual Meeting on 14th March 2023.
It was a sad day for those of us who have been WI members for a long time. We were pleased that we had managed to celebrate our 2021 centenary belatedly by planting a tree in the Churchyard, having a little party (necessary because of partial lockdown) and ending with the fun belly dancing event in February.
The nearest alternative WIs, which can be contacted as shown are Leckhampstead in the Berkshire Federation (leckhampsteadwi@berkshirewi.co.uk),
Aldbourne in Wiltshire (WI House 01380 739340) and
Childrey in Oxfordshire (WI House 01869 331081)
Matt Ward Karate
Lambourn Walwyn Hall
Mondays 5.30-7.30pm 4 – 8 years
Fridays 4 -5pm 4 – 8 years
Fridays 5 – 6pm 8 – 14 years
Above weekly classes are paid for monthly by standing order (no contract).
Free taster sessions are available for all age groups.
We offer group and private classes for children from the age of 4. We run a junior syllabus tailored specifically for children. There are ‘kids’ classes for children aged 4-7 and the ‘Cadets’ classes for children aged 8-15. The classes are split into beginners and advanced. There are no more than 12 children in a class.
There are a whole range of martial arts disciplines out there, but generally speaking they all encourage those things we often struggle to generate in children: physical health and agility, discipline and concentration.
With the concept of ‘goal attainment’ via the belt system at the heart of karate, the sport provides a useful way for children to focus on moving ‘up the ranks’ and the sense of satisfaction and self-fulfillment this brings, building a child’s self-esteem and confidence along the way and giving them experience in exam situations through their gradings.
Karate isn’t just about physical prowess – the sport is also about training the mind and spirit so children learn skills they can take into other areas of their life too; better concentration and reasoning skills, vital for academic success. Karate imparts invaluable physical skills, such as self-defense, which may help a child protect itself if they find themselves in a risky situation.
To book a free taster or one-to-one sessions contact Matt
Baydon Road
[caption id="attachment_3509" align="alignnone" width="109"] Old Berkshire Hunt Pony Club[/caption]
Joy Wilson - Secretary
Manor Farm, The Green, East Hanney, Oxon OX12 0HQ
The Green
East Hanney
OX12 0HQ
The Lambourn Rifle Club became a section of the Sports Club in 1946. Records show it was formed earlier in 1935 meeting at The George and later at The Hinds Head.
It is the oldest team in the Swindon & District Air Rifle League which currently has 11 teams participating in the Swindon area. Each team consists of 12 members shooting on a home & away basis on a Wednesday evening, commencing at 8.00pm. throughout the season.
Practice is held on a Monday evening and all sports club members may participate.
There are various competitions running throughout the season for all to enjoy.
The rules state each member must use a 0.177 pellet rifle, freestanding, without aids and at a distance 7 yards (6.4m) from the target.
The Club has Air Rifles to use and targets provided. There is a safe environment in place and strict protocols adhered to. The Club is also affiliated to the NSRA.
Senior and Juniors are most welcome.
Over the years many club members have been very successful and selected for the Great Britain squad.
Bockhampton Road,
RG17 8PS
The Silver Circle is a club which provides an opportunity for older people in the village to meet socially. Membership is available to anyone aged 55+ and both ladies and gentlemen are equally welcome!
We get together in the afternoon of the 3rd Wednesday of each month, and a variety of activities are organised throughout the year – for example, illustrated talks, lighthearted quizzes and bingo. the afternoon is rounded off with tea and biscuits. Guests are always welcome too, for a small fee.
We also arrange 2 or 3 outings each year, and non-members are welcome to join us. The cost of the outings is subsidised for members, from our fundraising.
The annual membership fee is amazingly low! (currently £6).
If you are interested in joining, or would like to come to one of our meetings for a “taster” please contact a member of the committee: Louise Wilkin 01488 71468, Jenny Carter 01488 72679, Irene Brownlee 01488 72100
[caption id="attachment_3511" align="alignnone" width="186"] Valley Film Society[/caption]
Based in East Garston, Berkshire, in the Lambourn valley, we offer films across a wide range of genres, including foreign subtitled, black & white classics as well as British Independents. After many successful years, we are now in our fourteenth season.
Films are usually shown on the first Tuesday of the month, October to June, in East Garston Village Hall at 7.30pm. Doors open 7pm.
Social club bar is open from 7pm. Orders taken at the door up to 7.20pm for food to be delivered during the interval.
Wide screen (720p) with HDMI, digital 5.1 surround sound, Blu-ray/DVD, raised seating and convivial atmosphere. Disabled access.
Membership for Season Fourteen (2018/19), consisting of up to 10 films, costs £32. You can join at any film showing - you can save time by printing and filling in the membership form and bringing it along.
Guests £6 per film. Call a member of the committee to come as a guest
Back Street
East Garston
RG17 7EY
[caption id="attachment_3514" align="alignleft" width="252"] Vine and Craven Hunt[/caption]
The country consists of an amalgamation of areas formerly hunted by the Craven Farmers' Hunt and the Vine Hunts, and covers part of west Berkshire, north Hampshire and a small part of Wiltshire. The northern end of the country is made up of the open Berkshire and Marlborough Downs, in great contrast to the more wooded areas in the south. Obstacles are mostly timber hunt jumps.
Best centres: Lambourn, Newbury and Kingsclere.
Adjoining Hunts: Old Berkshire, Garth and South Berks, Hampshire (HH), Hursley Hambledon, Tedworth, Duke of Beaufort's and VWH.
Hunt History
The Pack was formed in 1968 by an amalgamation of the Craven Farmers' Hunt and the Vine Hunt.
For general enquiries, including items for the website, please contact the Hon. Secretary: Clare Heald
Refurbished for the benefit & use of the whole community
The Walwyn Hall (previously The Lambourn Catholic Hall) Baydon Road, has played its part in the community since it was built in the 1960's. Fondly known as "The Catholic Club", it was a vibrant part of the community with regular dances and functions. Following a period of time where the hall was let fall into disrepair, the community decided to bring back The Catholic Hall. As a result of numerous Fund Raising activities and generous donations the hall has been re-furbished.
The following improvements have been made;
A disabled toilet has been built and the existing toilets modernised.
The kitchen has been completely replaced to include new ovens, microwave, large fridge, new sinks, worktops and a commercial dishwasher.
The Bar has been replaced and includes beer fridges and a commercial glass washer
We have retained our beautiful sprung dance floor
Carpets and other flooring have been replaced throughout the hall.
New lighting has been installed including ambient LED lighting in the main hall.
Audio visual connectivity has been installed enabling use of TV/Projectors/Laptop displays
Speakers and microphones are available.
Two LED lighting rigs have been installed providing multiple uses.
Flexible box staging allows alternate configurations.
120 new padded chairs.
All areas have been decorated.
As a result we have a modern facility that we are all proud of. The hall has been refurbished for the benefit and use of the whole community. Numerous activities are capable of taking place in this facility. Examples are;
Dance functions with Band or DJ
Family Parties for Children/Adults
Dinner Dance events
Coffee Mornings
Dance Classes
Exercise Classes
Film Nights (subject to licence)
Meetings with Audio visual needs
Theatrical events
Fashion shows with catwalk stage
Events requiring Bar facilities - You can apply for a temporary licence or ask for our help
We are happy to show people around the Hall and demonstrate its capabilities.
For further information
Baydon Road
RG17 8NU
[caption id="attachment_3542" align="alignright" width="300"] Woodland St Mary Hall[/caption]
The Woodlands St Mary Village Hall situated between Lambourn and Hungerford is the ideal venue for all types of events. Over the years it has been used for everything for birthday party's, christenings & naming ceremony receptions, funeral wakes, wedding receptions, country music acts, line dancing, disco's, flower show's, live music, election polling station, deep sea fishing, Clubs, Lambourn Vintage Machinery Society, Skittles, Whist Drives, Jumble Sales, you name it and its happened here!
The hall has undergone extensive improvements in recent years and has disabled access and toilet. Modern kitchen facilities which are included with hall rentals for all the hirers catering needs. Loads of parking, free wi-fi. New comfy chairs!!
Hire is available to all
A low cost bar is available and can be provided by the social club.
....booking form on the website
Woodlands St Mary
RG17 7SL