Vine and Craven Hunt

Vine and Craven Hunt

[caption id="attachment_3514" align="alignleft" width="252"] Vine and Craven Hunt[/caption]

The country consists of an amalgamation of areas formerly hunted by the Craven Farmers' Hunt and the Vine Hunts, and covers part of west Berkshire, north Hampshire and a small part of Wiltshire. The northern end of the country is made up of the open Berkshire and Marlborough Downs, in great contrast to the more wooded areas in the south. Obstacles are mostly timber hunt jumps.

Best centres: Lambourn, Newbury and Kingsclere.

Adjoining Hunts: Old Berkshire, Garth and South Berks, Hampshire (HH), Hursley Hambledon, Tedworth, Duke of Beaufort's and VWH.

Hunt History
The Pack was formed in 1968 by an amalgamation of the Craven Farmers' Hunt and the Vine Hunt.

For general enquiries, including items for the website, please contact the Hon. Secretary: Clare Heald



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