August 2020 – Parish Matters by Howard Woollaston

Howard Woollaston

Green bins

Firstly, could I add my personal apologies for the lack of green bin collection last week. As is mentioned in the West Berkshire Council report, it was completely out of our hands. The contractor, Veolia, found a very large number of its collection and driver operators had to self-isolate because of Track and Trace from that Monday Morning and did the best they could do in the “Pingdemic” situation. The black and green bins use the same vehicles whereas the recycling ones are specialist and cannot be adapted, so green bins were the obvious casualty.

As a goodwill gesture, West Berkshire Council is making a £4 reduction in the cost for 2021/2 in recompense and will collect additional bags for the first collection now that we are back to normal service.

Rural broadband

In terms of other ward matters there has been a helpful announcement by Government this week of a major boost for Rural Broadband called Project Gigabit. At 98% of Superfast Broadband coverage, we are behind only Bournemouth in terms of non- metropolitan roll out across the entire UK and we are still working to get to 100% (including Upper Lambourn, parts of which have – as residents won’t need reminding – proved difficult to connect to the 21st century in this respect).

Superfast is 30mbps but this new proposal is for full fibre ultrafast broadband of up to 1000mbps. West Berkshire already has 26.47% coverage which is ahead of most of the UK. We, along with Oxfordshire are in Phase 2 with Procurement due to start in May 2022 and roll out from April 2023. It is going to cover 68600 homes at a cost estimated at between £67 and £114 million.

The Lambourn neighbourhood development plan

Turning to the neighbourhood development plan, you will be pleased to hear that Eastbury has belatedly swung into action with its character assessment (see last month’s report). A group of five of us – including both parish councillors, one of our flood wardens and Nina who runs the village email circulation – recently met to get this process under way.

The plan’s Steering Group, which is a sub-committee of the Parish Council with additional co-opted members, is meeting with the Planning Team at West Berks Council shortly to discuss early provisional findings.

Meetings are being arranged in September for residents to see the progress and make comments. I do urge you to attend and have your say.

Confirmed meetings are:

  • Memorial Hall Lambourn Thursday 16 September, 5.30pm to 7.30pm.
  • Eastbury Church Saturday 11 September, 10am to noon (this ties in with the Church’s Gift Day).

Provisional meetings are

  • Lambourn Church Sunday 26 September, time to be confirmed (this ties in with the Patronal Festival Cream Teas).
  • Limes Farm Upper Lambourn Wednesday 8 September, 5pm to 7.30pm.
  • Woodlands St Mary Village Hall Wednesday 22 September, 5.30pm to 7.30pm

CIL grants for Lambourn

Working with the Chair of Lambourn PC, Moz Bulbeck-Reynolds, I will be trying to put a bid in for a Community Infrastructure Levy Grant looking at Fulke Walwyn Way in Upper Lambourn resurfacing, repairs to the walls at Three Posts Lane in Lambourn and some upgrades to the Memorial Hall. These grants now come up annually so any thoughts for future projects appreciated.

Other matters

  • I have put in a request for a speed -limit review on the B4000 and Eastbury in the next session in early 2022 – please let me know if there are any others. (I have previously raised the suggested that Baydon Road and Hungerford Hill into Lambourn should also be reviewed.)
  • I have also, at the request of neighbours, got the licensing and enforcement teams to look at late-night noise coming from the George.
  • I have asked the drainage team to clear all the drains in Eastbury to avoid potential flooding of listed buildings.
  • The next Lambourn Valley Flood Forum meeting, which I chair, is now arranged for Monday 13 September and I will report on that in my September newsletter.

Slightly further afield

My work as portfolio holder on the Council’s Executive has kept me really busy this month particularly with the leisure element. We are out for consultation on both the overall Leisure Strategy  and, specifically, the Newbury Lido – your views are really welcome so please take a look. Both close at midnight on Sunday 5 September 2021.

The long running saga of what is now being called the Newbury Sports Hub (the provision of a new artificial grass pitch and clubhouse at the Rugby Club at Monks Lane for Newbury Men’s and Ladies Football Teams and community football teams) is reaching a key stage with the planning application going in very shortly.

Weather news

There is a rumour that another heatwave might be on the way later this month – whether this comes to pass or not, enjoy the rest of the summer and keep safe and well.

Get in touch…

As ever please get in touch if I can help on 07836 718100 or

Howard Woollaston

Conservative District Councillor for Lambourn Ward

With thanks as ever to Brian at Penny Post for transforming my initial draft of the Parish Matters section into this more professional result!

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