Within the first two decades of her career Sioban Coppinger had
gained a reputation in the challenging field of Public Sculpture. Her
response to the demands of site and subject matter were transformed into
gentle landmarks, which can be seen from Birmingham to Templecombe in
Since setting up in Lambourn in 1995, she has
created a constant stream of commissioned as well as uncommissioned new
work for exhibitions. Sioban takes pleasure from the continuous
exploration of ideas and materials – working figuratively in cast
bronze, silver, beaten copper, and lead.
Drawing has always
provided nourishment for Sioban and she has worked on many etchings with
a passion to build up a collection of over one hundred editioned
etchings – ranging from sketchbook work to intricate process based and
coloured prints. Having used Pastels since childhood, Sioban is using
them to produce intimate and lively studies and portraits.
Sioban loves the Lambourn Valley and believes that it ‘holds a heart for
inspiration’. Her studio is open by appointment, where finished pieces
and work-in-progress can be seen.
Fellow of The Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures & Commerce
The Muse, 23 Oxford Street, Lambourn, Berkshire. · RG17 8XS · Phone : 01488 73978
VAT REG NO 450 2940 69 · e-mail: sioban@coppinger.fsnet.co.uk