Lambourn Almshouses

The Trustees of the Almshouses of John Isbury and Jacob Hardrett have vacancies for Almsmen. Applications for the vacancies are invited from men, women and couples.

Prospective candidates are expected to be ‘Poor men (persons) of good character from the parish of Lambourn and its circumjacent parishes.’ They would be in need, resulting from their living circumstances, accommodation, financial situation or age.

Applicants would be expected to provide an explanation and/or evidence to support one or more of the above criteria. They must also be prepared to provide references and attend an interview if requested to do so.

Further information and application forms are available from the Clerk to the Trustees at the address shown below. Completed application forms should be returned completed by 28th September 2021

The Almshouses of John Isbury and Jacob Hardrett

Registered Charity No 203772

CLERK to the TRUSTEES:                                                       

Peter Penfold

23 Oxford Street,                                                                                        Phone    01488 73978

Lambourn,                                                                                                   Mobile   07887985467

Berkshire, RG17 8XS.                                                                                   E-mail

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