A message from the Lambourn Surgery

It has come to our attention that a company called PharmacytoU is targeting our dispensing patients and encouraging them to sign up to their service.

This company is not endorsed by Lambourn Surgery and the message has not been sanctioned by us. It is your choice to use PharmacytoU, but that would mean that we as a surgery can no longer dispense for you. All your medication requests and queries will go through them, not us. We essentially would lose you as one of our dispensing patients and you will lose the personal service you currently have with us.

If you are a dispensing patient and would like further information, please email the dispensary team on lambourn.dispensary@nhs.net or complete an enquiry form via the website to request a phone call and we will be happy to discuss it with you.

Your Lambourn Surgery

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