Lambourn Surgery: Patient Participation Group Update – September 2020

Covid19 remains the biggest challenge for our surgery and along with the wider NHS they are planning for the winter months. COVID symptoms are very similar to flu and the common cold, which brings its own challenges. In preparation for this, the surgery is being divided into two parts. Two rooms which can be kept separate from the rest of the building, will be used to see patients face to face who have COVID like symptoms. This will be known as the “Hot Hub”. There will be a GP dedicated to this area for their shift. This doctor will not be in physical contact with the rest of the surgery staff and will follow strict infection control procedures when leaving the area. During the peak of the pandemic, “Hot” patients were referred to a “Hot Hub” in Newbury. This has now closed but should we see a second wave, this could be reinstated.

Patients are asked to ensure that if they develop COVID symptoms, to book a test as soon as possible. If they need to be seen face to face by a GP then they will be seen in the surgery Hot Hub. Under no circumstances should a patient attend the surgery without an appointment if they have any of the recognised COVID symptoms.

Routine work at the surgery and in the wider NHS is still way behind where it would normally be. Clinic rooms need to be cleaned each time a patient is seen face to face, which means the number of appointments on offer has fallen by approximately one third, especially with the nursing appointments, where not much can be done over the phone.

The new online forms on the website have helped to keep waiting times reasonable, but both patients and staff are still learning the new system. Please be patient and trust that the safety of staff and patients is at the heart of everything the surgery does.

Flu Clinics for the 65 plus age group (which forms the majority of eligible patients) will be held at the Lambourn Sports Club on the 17th and the 31st of October. The clinics will be held all day, and to assist with social distancing, patients will be asked to attend at specific times according to their surname. On arriving patients will be presented with a coloured card and asked to remain in their car until their colour is called forward. The wearing of face coverings will be mandatory. 

There will be a further satellite clinic to be held in Great Shefford Village Hall. This will be for the residents of East Garston, Great Shefford and further East. This will run on Saturday 24th October from 8.30 until 10.30.

The rest of the eligible patients will be contacted individually by the surgery to attend clinics held at the surgery. There is an additional cohort of patients this year, the 50-64 group, and household members of patients who were advised to shield. These vaccinations cannot start until November when the Department of Health should have sufficient stock of the vaccine to meet the demand.

You will not need to book for these clinics, just come at the publicised time according to your name. These details will be published nearer the time.


Hospitals, like GP surgeries are now trying to deal with the backlog of work caused by the redeployment of NHS staff and wards to the COVID peak. Routine hospital appointments are, and will continue for some time to be delayed, as work is prioritised. Please understand that this situation is out of the surgery’s control. Routine work has restarted, but it will be some time before we are back to pre-covid waiting times. Urgent referrals such as cancer referrals, still follow a 2 week wait fast track process. That has remained unchanged throughout the pandemic.

You can contact the PPG via email; or in writing via the surgery office (Bockhampton Road, Lambourn, RG17 8PS) addressed to the Chairman of the PPG.

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