Sunday 13th August 2017
The Mick Haydon Memorial Pairs match was played at Lambourn (Sports) Bowls Club yesterday (13th) and was a resounding success. 18 pairs took part in the event throughout the afternoon and into the evening. Lambourn Sports Club generously supported the event, as did Lambourn Bowls Club with generous sponsorship of the fine BBQ, that was run by Steve and Heather Fox. Refreshments were on hand throughout the event, run by Claire Way and her able helpers. Claire is the daughter of the late Mick Haydon, who sadly passed away in February 2014 of Pancreatic Cancer. This event, has run for the last three years, and is in aid of Pancreatic Cancer UK. Through raffles, donations and other revenue earning schemes through the event, I am extremely pleased to announce that we made the grand sum of £500! This is after all expenses, such as prize monies and catering costs had been taken out.
I’d like to thank everyone who helped to put this ‘show’ on and everyone who donated raffle prizes and kept paying out a pound for the various schemes going around.
Winners were Eve Millidge and Jack Nobes from Shrivenham; runners-up were Matty Wannacott and Johnny Worrall; Highest score in any game was Pete Bassett and Tony Major, Lowest overall scores were Sue Williams and Eileen Horton, Dave Hillier won the ‘Spider’ and the bottle of Prosecco and Arthur Cook from Ramsbury won the Litre bottle of whisky. He is pictured with Claire, and in the other pics, John Worrall Junior is seen with Claire and her daughter. It was John’s idea for the tournament to take place in 2015 in memory of Mick and John who bought the shield initially. It was good to have him here to present it, and the prizes along with Claire.
Mick Dowdeswell.