Lambourn Surgery Patient Participation Group Newsletter – Feb 2023

Lambourn Surgery Patient Participation Group Newsletter, February 2023

Urgent Care

Patients have asked about the provision of urgent medical care in the locality.

If someone is seriously ill or injured or you think their life may be at risk, call 999 or visit the Emergency Department (ED) at the Great Western Hospital.

Great Western Hospital, Urgent Treatment Centre (UTC)

The ED and UTC work together.

Any patients arriving to hospital for urgent or emergency care as a walk-in, should enter the hospital via the UTC, where they will be triaged at the door by a Clinical Navigator who will signpost them to the right place for their care, which could be the ED, UTC, or an assessment unit.

Patients are seen in order of clinical need.

Patients arriving in an ambulance will be taken straight to the ED. (open 24×7)

The UTC is currently open from 7.00am to 10.00pm. Urgent or emergency walk-ins outside of these hours will need to use the new out-of-hours entrance, located directly adjacent to the UTC.

Seek advice from 111 first, who will advise and can book an appointment at UTC.

West Berks Community Hospital, Minor Injuries Unit (MIU)

This is a nurse led team of nurses and paramedics, open between 8am and 10pm daily.

There is no ED at the hospital.

This unit is able to treat minor injuries, such as:

Allergic reactions, Burns, Cuts, Dislocated joints, foreign bodies in ears, nose, throats, Fractures, Head and facial injuries, Insect and animal bites, Minor injuries after a road accident, e.g., neck strain, cuts, bruises, whiplash, Sprains and strains, Emergency contraception for women over 14 years.

You must book via NHS 111 to access this service. Please do not arrive unless you have an appointment. Walk-in patients will be asked to call NHS 111.

Contribute to Enhancing Patient Services

Lambourn Surgery Patient Participation Group is seeking new members in order to enhance and widen our activities. If you care passionately about Primary Care in the Valley and are a patient of Lambourn Surgery, then we would welcome you as a voluntary member of our group. In summary, the aim of the PPG is to

  •  represent patients to the Practice professional teams.
  •  help improve the quality of service of the Practice for patients and staff.
  •  help develop communication between patients and the Practice.
  •  provide information to the Practice on local issues to help develop future services.
  •  assist the Practice in the organisation of regular health promotion events.
  •  be a critical friend to the Practice.

We are particularly looking for individuals who can represent families with young children and those with communications and IT skills. However, anyone who has the energy to promote any aspect of healthcare would be welcome. Membership does not dictate a large amount of time, so you may contribute as much or as little as you are able, all we ask for is your enthusiasm. If you would like to find out more, please contact us as below.

Current members of the PPG are as follows along with their constituency, roles and areas of interest.

Alan Breadmore, East Garston, Chair

Peter Cox, Lambourn, Secretary

Liz Cox, Lambourn, Surgery Amenities Fund

Geoff Fowler, Great Shefford, Surgery Amenities Fund

Gillian Greenham, Lambourn

Bridget Jones, Lambourn Parish Council, Woodlands, Mental Health

Graham Jones, Lambourn Pharmacy

Julie Mintern, Lambourn Valley Benefice, Young Families

Jane Turton, Great Shefford

Brian Watson, Racing Industry

Mary Wilson, East Garston

If you would like to discuss PPG activities with any of them then please contact us as below and we’ll be in touch. Just a reminder that we are not the appropriate means for lodging individual complaints, there is a formal process for this that you can find on the Surgery website or from reception, but general feedback and observations are always welcome.

Please Help Keep Everyone Informed
We know there are patients who do not have access to the internet or email. Please be so kind as to help them feel involved in the community by printing a copy of this newsletter and/or its links and passing it on to them. Thank you.


In order that our surgery can provide care to those most in need please consider consulting with a pharmacist or calling 111 or using the online service for straightforward medical advice.

You can contact the PPG via email; or in writing via the surgery office (Bockhampton Road, Lambourn, RG17 8PS) addressed to the Chair of the PPG.

Alan Breadmore, Chair, Lambourn Surgery PPG

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