It’s the season for potholes!

Please do let the Council know if you spot or even hit one – they can only repair what they know about. An easy way to report a pothole or broken streetlight is using FixMyStreet:

Enter the postcode or village name to get roughly to the right area and then drop a pin where the pothole is. 3 are currently reported in Lambourn. You can also download the app to your phone to make it super easy to report a problem.

West Berkshire council has some guidelines as to the size and depth of a pothole which will be repaired.

“We will not ignore any reports, however, we do have to prioritise our funding on safety and we cannot afford to fix all of the problems that are reported to us. We will normally repair potholes that have a 50mm (5cm) vertical edge and are 300mm (30cm) wide; however, each pothole is assessed using a risk-based approach.”

More information at:

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