Lambourn Surgery Patient Participation Group February 2021

8 February 2021

COVID Vaccinations

Inevitably, most of the news is about COVID and it has been heart-warming to receive so many offers from volunteers to support our community. Patients of Lambourn Surgery have been volunteering as stewards at the racecourse, working at the surgery phoning patients with appointments or stuffing envelopes with confirmation letters as well as a providing transport for those unable to make their own way to the racecourse. Our thanks to you all.

The racecourse vaccination centre is now fully up and running and administering vaccine as fast as deliveries of vaccine allow. The first week of February saw the 10,000th vaccination delivered just 3 weeks after operations started and the second week of February sees vaccine deliveries arriving on six consecutive days. It is expected that the government target of everyone in the top 4, at risk, groups being offered a vaccine by 15th February will be met. If you have not yet been contacted don’t worry the surgery will keep trying.

You may have heard of scammers taking advantage of vulnerable people and taking their money for bogus vaccines. Sadly, our operation at the racecourse is being targeted by crooks in the local area who are telling people to turn up at the Newbury Vaccination Centre in exchange for cash. This is a scam.  There are no Covid vaccines available on the private market. The NHS will never ask for payment details to secure your appointment. All appointments for the Vaccination Centre are booked directly with the surgery. Anyone without an appointment is turned away.

You will be contacted by the surgery when it is your turn, please do not call them, they are working strictly according to the government guidelines and in decreasing order of age. Up until now all patients have been contacted by phone in order to make an appointment. From the 2nd week of February, a new text-based system is being trialled to make the booking process quicker and easier for all. Once it is your turn and there is a vaccination slot available you will receive a text message from a company called Accubook. By clicking on the link within this message you will be able to book your COVID vaccination appointment at Newbury Racecourse. This text message is genuine and not a scam, at no point will you be asked for any money. If the surgery does not have a mobile telephone number for you then you will be contacted via your landline.

Some patients may receive a national invitation by letter to alternative sites in Oxford, Marlow, Basingstoke or elsewhere. If you prefer to attend there, it is entirely your choice. Just bear in mind, that is where your second dose will be also. The surgery has no control over these letters, so they may seem confusing, they are not informed to whom and when they will be sent.

Please remember that the Surgery is still operating and if you feel that you need to talk to a doctor/nurse for other matters please contact them. A huge thank you to all the staff at our surgery who as well as running the vaccine programme are open for business as usual.


The surgery is aware that a company called Pharmacy2U is targeting our dispensing patients and encouraging them to sign up to their online service. This company is not endorsed by Lambourn Surgery and the message has not been sanctioned by them. It is your choice to use Pharmacy2U, but this means that the dispensary at the surgery or (for non-dispensing patients) Lambourn Pharmacy would no longer be able to dispense to you or provide the personal service you currently have. If you are a dispensing patient and would like further information, please email the dispensary team on or complete an enquiry form via the website to request a phone call and we will be happy to discuss it with you.

You can contact the PPG via email; or in writing via the surgery office (Bockhampton Road, Lambourn, RG17 8PS) addressed to the Chair of the PPG.

Alan Breadmore, Chair, Lambourn Surgery PPG

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