Lambourn Parish Council supports community website

7th February 2021

At last weeks parish council meeting Councillors voted to support the Lambourn community website with a grant of £113 for 2021. The website is maintained by volunteers and the grant will pay for the infrastructure including the hosting of the site.

A big THANK YOU to the LPC for supporting the website which is accessed by approximately 5000 web visitors a month reading about 12,000 pages of information.

The Lambourn Community Website is a repository for information about a number of different aspects of the Valley of the Racehorse:

  1. News articles – the website posts news articles which are relevant to residents of the parish. The website is a trusted source (unlike Facebook) for local updates and is used by a number of organisations to publicise news. Examples include: Thames Valley Police, Lambourn Church, West Berks Council, Lambourn Parish Council, Lambourn Surgery, etc.
  • Information about Lambourn – The website hosts many pages about the village including services available, who is who, local facilities, suggested walks, Lambourn personalities etc. This appeals to individuals seeking current information and is used by residents and visitors alike.
  • Business Directory – a directory of local businesses and clubs with descriptions and contact details. The concept is to encourage local residents to be support local trades and businesses and thus support local employment 104 local businesses are listed and the list is growing weekly. Entries are free of charge.
  • Lambourn Events Diary – A diary of events which are taking place in the village. The diary is moderated to ensure the events are legitimate.
  • History of Lambourn – The site hosts more than 100 articles and over 500 photographs about the history of the village. Articles provide insights into many aspects of the village including the racing industry, buildings, historic events, personal reminiscences etc. The site is the closest Lambourn has to an on-line museum and the pages are used by local schools and organisations to support learning activities. New articles are added on a regular basis.
  • And…. There are many other pages on the site all of which are relevant to Lambourn. These include insights into the Racing Industry, Lambourn Junction, Community Orchard etc.
    The site also has an opt-in mailing list which individuals can join and once on the list will receive updates when new articles are published. There are currently over 200 individuals on the mailing list which is GDPR compliant and members can unsubscribe at any time.

The site is fully indexed and available from web browsers and mobile devices.

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